Site 2 site vpn question
can someone please explain me how to setup a bidirectional ovpn-tunnel
between two pfsense walls?I have office1 running pfsense and office2 running it,
do i have to configure only one tunnel from office1
to office2 (office1=client, office2=server) to get
it work in both directions or do i have to setup
client and server vpn on both sites?Is there some documentation for site 2 site OpenVPN?
many thanks
well, i read that, but it doesn't seem to focus on site 2 site. I don't want bridging.
Please -v -
ok, i read it 10 times now, i really don't see something about site to site
in there.Can somebody please tell me in some short words what i have
to do to configure a tunnel that works in both directions?I have created a tunnel as described in the doc, and i entered
the remote network for site 2 site vpn, but i can only connect
from office1(ovpn configured as client) to office2(ovpn configured
as server)… -
if you have pfSense on both ends, I'd recommend setting up IPSec. It is amazingly easy and quick to setup. There is plenty of documentation on the site regarding a site to site (router to router) IPSec VPN. I currently use pfSense between my house, my friends house and our colocation center with an IPSec VPN flawlessly (aside from some virtual ip issues.(,2361.0.html)).
Good luck -
OpenVPN IPsecs are nothing more than a tun/tap (in this case, tun) interface linking both endpoints together. All OpenVPN does is to create the tunnel and then (optionally) set routes to emulate a local network. Therefore, OpenVPN is essentially site-to-site friendly.
If you can't access from A to B, you are not filling the "Remote network" fields correctly. Check your config.
I run a point to point OpenVPN between two pfsense boxes, what do you need to know? :)
the site 2 site is very simple to set up (with the pdf document)…. but is it also possible to connect 3 pfsense client machines to one openvpnserver-pfsensemachine and routed the networks behind the 3 pfsense machines......(i don't want to open to much external (firewall) ports
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PC3So that PC2 can ping PC1 and PC3 and PC3 can ping PC2 and PC1 and PC1 can ping PC2 and PC3