Help Configuring VMWARE appliance
I finaly got fed up and decided to start running VMWARE because i can run XenServer for the time being. I the appliance up and running and can connect to it on the internal network no problem. I am going to have 3 nics in my vista 64 bit workstation later today. I am planning on dedicating 2 to pfsense.
My plan is to rebuild my pfsense firewall and get rid of the netgear router that I am using right now. I never use VM-ware and it's proving a little challeging. Can anyone point me in the right direction with the network set up? I have really missed running pf-sense, it's a great product.
I finally got it working. It really fast. The only thing I am having problems with so far is getting my vonage to connect.
So I am trying to figure it out now. Any thougths?
RC -
I think it's all working. I plugged my DSL and into my managed switch. Then I connected all my connections into that VLAN. So the VMWARE is machine is working.
My VM detect a cryoto key on the system board. How can I see if the driver for the cryptokey is working. I have got one VPN tunnel up and running rules are in place and seems to working great.
Any thoughs?