RRD Queue Graph quirk after 10mbit download
I am lucky enough to have 12mbit cable that is actually 12mbit. I'm running 1.2.3 RC3
Sooo, not to complain, but I noticed when download bandwidth for one queue exceeds about 10mbit it doesn't graph the queue at all. Another poster found that the scale was sometimes incorrect. I find that is not the case in this instance. See my attached photo. The blank area closest to the right side of the graph is where bandwidth exceeded 10mbit. If I throttle azureus to 1024KB/s, it graphs fine (flat area on right side of graph.)
Any thoughts?
Not sure what may have happened there but I have graphed way more than 10Mbit before without issue.
I noticed that the Traffic Graph shows all the traffic, its just the queue graph that gets clipped. Would this be affected by the traffic shaper max bandwidth values?