Tutorial : CP BW user specific limiter with squid transparent zero pinalty hit
How to bypass traffic of proxy hit from captiveportal BW limmiter ?
do not perform the following steps : http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,14436.0.html. The Modifications will bypass the CP login and CP BW limmiter.
PFsense configuration requirements :- captiveportal BW limmiter enable,
- squid transparrent
- DNS forwarder
1. input the following codes into the Custom Options on GUI Pfsense: Services -> Proxy Server -> General
Custom Options :
zph_mode tos;
zph_local 0x04;
zph_parent 0;
zph_option 136;Press OK
Through "putty", check whether the package marked already appeared:
tcpdump -nvi rl0 | grep 'tos 0x4'
2. Edit /usr/local/captiveportal/index.php
Please backup the original first ..
cp /usr/local/captiveportal/index.php /usr/local/captiveportal/index.bak
Through "winscp", edit /usr/local/captiveportal/index.php/usr/local/captiveportal/index.php at line 290 : _if ($peruserbw && !empty($bw_down) && is_numeric($bw_down)) {
$bw_down_pipeno = $ruleno + 45500;exec("/sbin/ipfw pipe 30002 config bw 4Mbit/s");
exec("/sbin/ipfw add $ruleno set 2 pipe $bw_down_pipeno ip from any to $clientip out not iptos reliability");
exec("/sbin/ipfw pipe $bw_down_pipeno config bw {$bw_down}Kbit/s queue 100");exec("/sbin/ipfw add $ruleno pipe 30002 all from any to $clientip out proto TCP iptos reliability");
} else {
exec("/sbin/ipfw add $ruleno set 2 skipto 50000 ip from any to $clientip out");_The above code is if you do not want a different bandwidth settings in the GUI, if you need specific BW limitter :
example :
**- username : admin, BW down : 384kBps- username : guest, BW down : 128kBps
Another username BW is fixed, according to the settings in the GUI.**
/usr/local/captiveportal/index.php at line 290 :
if ($peruserbw && !empty($bw_down) && is_numeric($bw_down)) {
$bw_down_pipeno = $ruleno + 45500;
exec("/sbin/ipfw pipe 30012 config bw 384Kbit/s queue 100");
exec("/sbin/ipfw pipe 30022 config bw 128Kbit/s queue 100");
if ($username=='admin') {
exec("/sbin/ipfw add $ruleno pipe 30012 all from any to $clientip out proto not iptos reliability");
else if ($username=='guest') {
exec("/sbin/ipfw add $ruleno pipe 30022 all from any to $clientip out proto not iptos reliability");
} else {
exec("/sbin/ipfw add $ruleno set 2 pipe $bw_down_pipeno ip from any to $clientip out not iptos reliability");
exec("/sbin/ipfw pipe $bw_down_pipeno config bw {$bw_down}Kbit/s queue 100");
exec("/sbin/ipfw pipe 30002 config bw 4Mbit/s");
exec("/sbin/ipfw add $ruleno pipe 30002 all from any to $clientip out proto TCP iptos reliability");
} else {
exec("/sbin/ipfw add $ruleno set 2 skipto 50000 ip from any to $clientip out");3. Check ipfw rule
ipfw list4. Traffic Shapping
Adjust the bandwidth in order to max BW Traffic shapping LAN is not limited5. Firewall rule : Block port 3128 on LAN interface.
6. Good luck ..