CP User Password
Hey guys, I am new with pfSense (and all the opensource firewalls). I want to use it for my apartment with 20-30 users. But I have a problem. I don't want Administrator to know users' passwords. So when the users are trying to login they need to change their initial passwords which are given by the admin for the first time. Could you please give me some tips how can I solve this problem? Or Do you have any CP custom login page that users can change their passwords when they are trying to login?
I can try writing some codes but I have no coding background and I dont know where CP keep its user authentication database and how it works? So any of the answers above will help me a lot.
There isn't a way to let users manage their own passwords in pfSense right now.
You could setup a FreeRADIUS server, point the CP authentication at it, and find a web-based GUI for FreeRADIUS that includes a mechanism that lets the user change their own password.