How restart OpenVPN server
From a shell issue a sockstat command to see what processes are listening on what ports.
*root check_relo 326 11 udp4 :1194 :
so something is wrong with check reload status… when i kill this process everything works fine!
Eh, this doesn't make any sense. check_reload_status doesn't even open a socket.
From a shell issue a sockstat command to see what processes are listening on what ports.
Yeah, I've got another whole mess attached apparently:
# sockstat | grep 1194 root sleep 3078 10 udp4 *:1194 *:* root sh 1463 10 udp4 *:1194 *:* _dhcp dhclient 1306 10 udp4 *:1194 *:* root dhclient 1259 10 udp4 *:1194 *:* root check_relo 659 10 udp4 *:1194 *:*
sockstat | grep 1194
root check_relo 405 11 udp4 *:1194 :
i try this many times… but when i try change openvpn settings, check_reload_status block port 1194. When i kill it everything work fine and i can change openvpn settings without any problem until next restart...
After restart, openvpn run ok until i try change some options... -
verified this problem on all my embedded systems and 2 firewalls
with strong i386 hardware.kind regards
dairaen -
Please upgrade to and see if the problem persists.
i am not at the office right now, so i can't test the
snapshot bevore next week; i will report if it fixes the bug.kind regards
dairaen -
Please upgrade to and see if the problem persists.
Sorry but no change for me :(
sockstat | grep 1194
root check_relo 387 11 udp4 *:1194 :
Nov 28 14:14:45 openvpn[1558]: Exiting
Nov 28 14:14:45 openvpn[1558]: TCP/UDP: Socket bind failed on local address [undef]:1194: Address already in use
Nov 28 14:14:45 openvpn[1558]: Control Channel Authentication: using '/etc/tls_auth.key' as a OpenVPN static key file
Nov 28 14:14:45 openvpn[1558]: WARNING: file '/etc/tls_auth.key' is group or others accessible
Nov 28 14:14:45 openvpn[1558]: WARNING: file '/var/etc/openvpn_server0.key' is group or others accessible
Nov 28 14:14:45 openvpn[1558]: OpenVPN 2.0.6 i386-portbld-freebsd6.1 [SSL] [LZO] built on Apr 6 2006
Nov 28 14:14:44 openvpn[381]: SIGTERM[hard,] received, process exiting
Nov 28 14:14:41 openvpn[381]: /etc/rc.filter_configure tun0 1500 1542 init
Nov 28 14:14:41 openvpn[381]: event_wait : Interrupted system call (code=4)
^^^^ After save openVPN config without any changes ^^^^Nov 28 14:13:04 openvpn[381]: Need IPv6 code in mroute_extract_addr_from_packet
Nov 28 14:13:04 openvpn[381]: Initialization Sequence Completed
Nov 28 14:13:04 openvpn[381]: UDPv4 link remote: [undef]
Nov 28 14:13:04 openvpn[381]: UDPv4 link local (bound): [undef]:1194
Nov 28 14:13:01 openvpn[302]: /etc/rc.filter_configure tun0 1500 1542 init
Nov 28 14:13:01 openvpn[302]: /sbin/ifconfig tun0 mtu 1500 netmask up
Nov 28 14:13:01 openvpn[302]: TUN/TAP device /dev/tun0 opened
Nov 28 14:13:01 openvpn[302]: gw
Nov 28 14:13:01 openvpn[302]: Control Channel Authentication: using '/etc/tls_auth.key' as a OpenVPN static key file
Nov 28 14:13:01 openvpn[302]: WARNING: file '/etc/tls_auth.key' is group or others accessible
Nov 28 14:13:01 openvpn[302]: WARNING: file '/var/etc/openvpn_server0.key' is group or others accessible
Nov 28 14:13:01 openvpn[302]: OpenVPN 2.0.6 i386-portbld-freebsd6.1 [SSL] [LZO] built on Apr 6 2006
^^^^ Normal RESTART ^^^^ -
At this point I am at a loss. Will have to discuss it with the other devs. We are all really confused on this one.
Same problem on my box ???.
root lighttpd 1785 10 tcp4 *:1194 :
root check_relo 339 10 tcp4 *:1194 :Hope you find the problem soon, good luck anyway!
Still nothing new about this problem ? I try every snapshot but without any progress :(
The only thing you can do is to make your changes and save, click the disable box to disable tunnel and then restart pf, and when its up again, click box to enable tunnel again.
Same problem here and at a friends system and at work, too… even switching to another port did not work (only for one day - using 1195 now) and the system at work... still no changes :'(
I have the same issue (and have had for a while now), the OpenVPN server tells me whatever port number I'm using is already in use. I've tried with the latest snapshot (Jan 7/06), same issue.
Known issue. It's covered in 3-4 other threads but there is no solution as of yet.
I'm having the same problem with my server in UDP mode. TCP mode works perfectly for me. Looking at the listening server processes with "sockstat -l" reveals:
_dhcp dhclient 794 10 udp4 *:1194 :
root dhclient 697 10 udp4 *:1194 :Apparently, the dhclient process is listening on UDP port 1194 … ???
FYI, my box is connected at the WAN side through DHCP to my ISP. In the OpenVPN server, I enabled dynamic dns clients.
There is some kind of bug where processes are inheriting other socket descriptors.
Thanks for the information Scott!
I did some more testing and I saw the same problem now with the OpenVPN server in TCP mode. Hence I think it doesn't matter if the connection is through TCP or UDP, the same problem shows up. Rebooting solves the problem. The problem also seems to happen at random.
If there is anything I can do to help you finding the problem (socket descriptors being reused?), I'll be happy to do more testing!
Hi Scott,
I noticed your Check-In 16202 on the CVS trac and I modified my /etc/inc/ as shown. Now in my case, OpenVPN is again (re)starting normally without the socket descriptors being reused by other processes! It works in both TCP and UDP server mode now (I use TCP for roadwarriors and UDP for site to site).
I will do some more extensive testing one of these days.
Thanks for the nice solution! :)
Great! Glad to hear that it has solved the issues.