How to give host PC a network connection
I just got pfsense 1.2.3 set up inside a vm, and now I'm trying to figure out how to get a connection for the host pc without pulling another wire just for it. It's running on a intel gigabit pro, vmware workstation, windows server 2008 r2. I've got the lan on vlan10 and wan on vlan20, right now I'm trying to make a host-only connection by binding a virtual nic tagged with vlan ID 30 to vmnet3, and also tagging that connection with 30 inside of pfsense. I then enabled OPT1 in the webUI and set it to dhcp. VMware's dhcp server is disabled because I'm guessing that pfsense will take care of it. Any ideas on how to make it work?
I've got it working with a untagged vlan but I hope that's not the only option. I'm thinking that creating vlans chop the speeds of my connections so now it's at something like 1/3 of 1gbit.