Captiveportal.html -> .php
How i can modify captiveportal.html (auth page) to captiveportal.php ? I need include some text from internet, but include (php) dont work in html doc.Captiveportal.html is located in /var/etc, but where is config file, which defines that captiveportal.html is auth page?
That is hardcoded. Upload your php page as captiveportal element and as html-page just a immediate metaredirect to the php page.
you captiveportal.html will look somting like this:
<title>Captive portal php redirect</title> CONTENT="5; URL="captiveportal.php">
I want to make php suported by defult… but before I mess it up, do you know why PHP is not supported (natively) as of now?
m0n0 doesn't support php on the captive portal and as we ported over their captive portal 1:1 you have to do it with that redirect. We don't want to change too much on the captive portal code to stay syncable with their implementation.
yea i know syncing is hard…
so then I'll speak to Jonathan to find out if we can change to native php support in monoPS: Why it takes 16sec to bring up the CP page comparing to 3 sec in mono?