Snmp with ipfw counter
Dear All,
I have a little problem with pfsense snmp. Refering to
there is a small script to count ipfw traffics. I've already add that script into /var/etc/snmpd.conf then chmod to 755 and restart bsnmpd service but there's error getting first OID in STG ( SNMP Traffic Grapher ).
Here is the snmpd.conflocation := "" contact := "me@mymail" read := "public" # SNMP Trap support. traphost := trapport := 162 trap := "public" system := 1 # pfSense %snmpd begemotSnmpdDebugDumpPdus = 2 begemotSnmpdDebugSyslogPri = 7 begemotSnmpdCommunityString.0.1 = $(read) begemotTrapSinkStatus.[$(traphost)].$(trapport) = 4 begemotTrapSinkVersion.[$(traphost)].$(trapport) = 2 begemotTrapSinkComm.[$(traphost)].$(trapport) = $(trap) begemotSnmpdCommunityDisable = 1 begemotSnmpdPortStatus. = 1 begemotSnmpdLocalPortStatus."/var/run/snmpd.sock" = 1 begemotSnmpdLocalPortType."/var/run/snmpd.sock" = 4 # These are bsnmp macros not php vars. sysContact = $(contact) sysLocation = $(location) sysObjectId =$(system) snmpEnableAuthenTraps = 2 begemotSnmpdModulePath."mibII" = "/usr/lib/" begemotSnmpdModulePath."netgraph" = "/usr/lib/" %netgraph begemotNgControlNodeName = "snmpd" begemotSnmpdModulePath."pf" = "/usr/lib/" begemotSnmpdModulePath."hostres" = "/usr/lib/" exec . ipfwCounters /bin/
script for /bin/
#!/usr/bin/perl # # See $ipfw = "/sbin/ipfw"; $ipfwOptions = "show | grep count"; @ipfw = `$ipfw $ipfwOptions`; $max = 0; foreach $rule (@ipfw) { if ($rule =~ /^(\d+)\s+\d+\s+(\d+)/) { $rule = $1; $bytes = $2; $rule =~ s/^0+//; if ($rule gt $max) { $max = $rule; } $rules[$rule] = $bytes; } } for ($i = 1; $i <= $max; $i++) { if ($rules[$i]) { print ("$rules[$i]\n"); } else { print ("0\n"); } }
FYI : when i installed in freebsd there is no error like in pfsense.
Thanks for help.
pfSense uses bsnmpd, not net-snmp, so it does not support the exec statement.
Thanks Jim for the reply,
So pfsense uses bsnmpd, and then how to make that variable passes to snmp. I need that variable to be passed in order to count all the traffic ( or by rule ) by ipfw.
You cannot pass a command to bsnmpd. It does not support that.
The ipfw data may be listed, but I'm not sure what OID it might be under. It doesn't appear to be in any of bsnmpd's MIB files.