Squid (cache Mgmt)
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киньте ссылку что вообще кэшит squid .LRU: Last Recently Used Policy - The LRU policies keep recently referenced objects. i.e., it replaces the object that has not been accessed for the longest time.
Heap GDSF: Greedy-Dual Size Frequency - The Heap GDSF policy optimizes object-hit rate by keeping smaller, popular objects in cache. It achieves a lower byte hit rate than LFUDA though, since it evicts larger (possibly popular) objects.
Heap LFUDA: Least Frequently Used with Dynamic Aging - The Heap LFUDA policy keeps popular objects in cache regardless of their size and thus optimizes byte hit rate at the expense of hit rate since one large, popular object will prevent many smaller, slightly less popular objects from being cached.
Heap LRU: Last Recently Used - Works like LRU, but uses a heap instead.