How to set local users in 2.0-RC1
I'm running 2.0-RC1, I've setup the CP to use local users. How do I set the username and password for local users? All the documentation I can find says there should be a "Users" tab under services->Captive portal. I do not see such a tab.
The only thing I can find is the user manager used to specify who can access the WebGui, I certainly don't want to allow everybody that logs into the CP rights to change the whole pfsense configuration! If this user manager is what I use, how do I specify a user is for CP authentication not WebGui authentication?
John S.
Just do not give them access anywhere on the GUI and it is fine like that.
It will be improved on 2.1 to be more clear but on 2.0 its just that. -
Create a group called CPusers.
Disable all rights for this group.
Add new users to this group and make sure that each user doesn't have specific rights also. -
Thanks, I created the group, added some users with no privileges and it works great. The captive portal is now working exactly as it should.
BTW everything in PFSense seems to be much easier to setup than other distributions I've tried, great job to those who worked on it.
John S.