barangkali ada yg blon tau gimana cara chek proxy server dah jalan apa belon, kl ada mohon d delet az om MOMOD :D
caranya mudah tinggal klik link ini ==> http://proxy.jaringanwarnet.com/
nanti ketauan hasilnyaseperti ini kalo proxy server dah jalan
Proxy detected
This request appears to have come via a proxy.Proxy Details :
2011-06-04 12:01:24
Detected proxy server: xxx.abc.xxx-xx-xxx.astinet.telkom.net.id (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
trigger HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR: unknown
Your IP Address is : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxProxy Detector v4.0 -2011 www.jaringanwarnet.com
pake ini juga bisa lo
kira2 penampakannya seperti ini yah …
;D -
kira2 penampakannya seperti ini yah …
bukannya itu proxy pake spidol wakakakak….lari ah ntar digampar si om ..... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
udah ditest pake http://proxy.jaringanwarnet.com/,
kok jawabannya iniNo Proxy detected
Want to Fast Browsing, Download, Surfing and Save Bandwidth? You can use squid Cache, contact us at 061.9115.0607
Your IP is:
Padahal, hdd usage ku selalu bertambah
[2.0-RC1][admin@pfSense.localdomain]/root(1): df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ad4s1a 222G 7.9G 196G 4% /
devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
/dev/md0 3.6M 46K 3.3M 1% /var/runKenapa itu om???
udah ditest pake http://proxy.jaringanwarnet.com/,
kok jawabannya iniNo Proxy detected
Want to Fast Browsing, Download, Surfing and Save Bandwidth? You can use squid Cache, contact us at 061.9115.0607
Your IP is:
Padahal, hdd usage ku selalu bertambah
[2.0-RC1][admin@pfSense.localdomain]/root(1): df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ad4s1a 222G 7.9G 196G 4% /
devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
/dev/md0 3.6M 46K 3.3M 1% /var/runKenapa itu om???
cuba pake yang lain karna sepertinya http://proxy.jaringanwarnet.com/ test offline atau cuba pake putty dengan perintah tail -f /var/squid/log/access.log atau bisa juga dengan menambah package light squid
Dear all,
Please dont confuse with proxy test, the proxy test website is make by some people, my be some mistake with their script.
for example, some one test their proxy server, and the proxy not detected, may be some mistake from their website in a port of proxy, almost people made proxy detector with port 8080.
you can check your proxy running or not, in your web browsing … configuration, with manual proxy, and make transfarent proxy uncheck on webgui.
test with respected port you have assign.
you can see if proxy working it will work, and please try with mistake website for example www.facebook.net it will show .... what your proxy version.
ini dari lagado ada statement seperti ini :D
Cache Test
The Lagado Cache Test will help expose stealthed transparent proxy caches. Stealthed transparent proxy caches are those which do not announce themselves to the origin web server and can appear to behave like a normal client. They may even masquerade as a client to make their requests.
Use this test when the regular Lagado Proxy Test shows no proxy but you feel there might be one there anyway.
This test is very simple but requires a little work from you.
page serial number 141595
page generation time Saturday, June 11, 2011 4:35:35 AM
page age 14 hoursNote: page generation time and page age are valid only when your workstation clock is set for accurate time.
Please follow the steps below.
Step 1Note the page serial number somewhere.
Step 2Clear your browser's cache
For Internet Explorer (Windows)
Tools > Delete Browsing History... > Make sure everything except "Preserve Favorites website data" and "Temporary Internet files" is unchecked > DeleteFor Firefox (Windows)
Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Clear Now (under Offline Storage)
Tools > Clear Private Data... > Make sure everything except "Cache" is unchecked > Clear Private Data NowFor Safari (Windows)
General Safari settings menu (the gear and down-arrow on the right side of toolbar) > Reset Safari... > Make sure everything except "Empty the cache" is unchecked > ResetFor Firefox (Linux)
Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Cache > Clear Now
Tools > Clear Recent History... > Make sure everything except "Cache" is unchecked > Clear NowFor Opera (Linux)
Menu > Settings > Delete Private Data... > Detailed Options > Make sure everything except "Delete entire cache" is unchecked > DeleteStep 3
Click on this link to load this page again. (Alternatively, you may browse to this page or use a bookmark. Do not hit refresh.)
If the page serial number is the same as when you noted it at step 1 you are most likely using a caching proxy; stop here - Proxy Found.
If the page serial number has changed you may not be using a caching proxy. To be more certain check the page age.
The page age shown is only valid when your workstation is set for accurate time (a few seconds error won't matter). If you adjust the time start again at step 1.
If the page age is no more than a few seconds there is no evidence of caching occuring so a proxy is not evident; stop here - No Proxy Found
If the page age is more than 30 seconds you may have picked up a fresher version of this page loaded into a proxy cache by someone else. It may be worth repeating the test to see if you get a more conclusive result.
terjemahannya dong …
maklum orang udik nih ...
berlendir kalao baca yg gituan ... ;D ;D ;Dsebetulnya salah satu cara paling simple sudah running atau belum
bisa cek di console
tail -f /var/squid/log/access.log
nah ... kalau berjalan dengan baik, itu sudah runningbukannya itu proxy pake spidol wakakakak....lari ah ntar digampar si om .....
wekeke …
kalau gak lari, digampar beneran ... ;D
wedew ... ip 118 juga dipake untuk customer astinet dedicated
sedikit kok BW nya, cuma 10 mbps aja ... ;D -
udah ditest pake http://proxy.jaringanwarnet.com/,
kok jawabannya iniNo Proxy detected
Want to Fast Browsing, Download, Surfing and Save Bandwidth? You can use squid Cache, contact us at 061.9115.0607
Your IP is:
Padahal, hdd usage ku selalu bertambah
[2.0-RC1][admin@pfSense.localdomain]/root(1): df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ad4s1a 222G 7.9G 196G 4% /
devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
/dev/md0 3.6M 46K 3.3M 1% /var/runKenapa itu om???
coba wan pfsense pppoe? baru bisa cek ke http://proxy.jaringanwarnet.com/ punya saya sebelumnya IP DHCP no proxy detected
udah ditest pake http://proxy.jaringanwarnet.com/,
kok jawabannya iniNo Proxy detected
Want to Fast Browsing, Download, Surfing and Save Bandwidth? You can use squid Cache, contact us at 061.9115.0607
Your IP is:
Padahal, hdd usage ku selalu bertambah
[2.0-RC1][admin@pfSense.localdomain]/root(1): df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ad4s1a 222G 7.9G 196G 4% /
devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
/dev/md0 3.6M 46K 3.3M 1% /var/runKenapa itu om???
coba wan pfsense pppoe? baru bisa cek ke http://proxy.jaringanwarnet.com/ punya saya sebelumnya IP DHCP no proxy detected
Itu karena setting proxy server : "Transparent X-Forward" kondisi tercentang, maka hasilnya (walaupun sudah pakai PPPOE utk WAN) :
No Proxy detected
Want to Fast Browsing, Download, Surfing and Save Bandwidth? You can use squid Cache, contact us at 061.9115.0607 -
Itu karena setting proxy server : "Transparent X-Forward" kondisi tercentang, maka hasilnya (walaupun sudah pakai PPPOE utk WAN) :
No Proxy detected
Want to Fast Browsing, Download, Surfing and Save Bandwidth? You can use squid Cache, contact us at 061.9115.0607om anto knapa ya? kok, skrg pny saya no proxy detected? td nya bisa…...?? padahal "Transparent X-Forward" tidak saya centang? ???
cuba fresh instal dari awal entar akan muncul lagi
Proxy detected
This request appears to have come via a proxy.
Proxy Details :
2011-06-28 14:48:15
Detected proxy server: 126.subnet110-137-224.speedy.telkom.net.id (1xx.13x.2xx.126)
Your IP Address is : 1xx.13x.2xx.126
Proxy Detector v4.0 -2011 www.jaringanwarnet.com
Nice Thread. Pakai cara om Kambeeng juga bagus…
cuba fresh instal dari awal entar akan muncul lagi
udah bisa? tp pfsensenya dimatikan beberapa jam dulu? trus cek lagi ke http://proxy.jaringanwarnet.com/? sblumnya jg udah bisa?
awalnya coba2 contreng "Transparent X-Forward" tp klau dicek ke http://www.whatismyip.com/ kok ngak muncul Server: Lusca/LUSCA r14850 patched: chudy r14 kyak punya om serangku? kenapa ya? cara settingnya gmn ya?padahal luscanya udah aktif? klau saya cek squidclient -p 80 mgr:info
hiks,,kemaren abis nyoba instal PF lagi om
yg diinstal cuma squid + lusa chudy + open vpn sama SG
kira2 dah 6 harian hd tetep sama om..nunjuk di 6% mulu,,
apa ada yang salah om..service smuana bekerja di statusnya.di cek pake squidclient -p 80 pun bekerja..
kenapa ya om ? :'( -
pemakaianya gimana?
kalo yg d akses itu" juga yaa cache g nambah, jam terbang juga ngaruh terhadap cache semakin lama tentunya semakin banyak tabunganya kalo mo lebih banyak ngecachenya squidnya harus di sesuaikan menurut kebutuhan -
siap om,,thx,,udah normal lagi..xixi,,cuma ga sabar aja ;D
mantap pfsense,, -
barangkali ada yg blon tau gimana cara chek proxy server dah jalan apa belon, kl ada mohon d delet az om MOMOD :D
caranya mudah tinggal klik link ini ==> http://proxy.jaringanwarnet.com/
nanti ketauan hasilnyaseperti ini kalo proxy server dah jalan
Proxy detected
This request appears to have come via a proxy.Proxy Details :
2011-06-04 12:01:24
Detected proxy server: xxx.abc.xxx-xx-xxx.astinet.telkom.net.id (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
trigger HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR: unknown
Your IP Address is : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxProxy Detector v4.0 -2011 www.jaringanwarnet.com
Proxy detected
This request appears to have come via a proxy.Proxy Details :
2011-07-10 13:37:26
Detected proxy server: 125.16x.16x.x2 (125.16x.1xx.x2)
trigger HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR: 192.168.x.x
Your IP Address is : 125.1xx.1x3.x2 -
om kalo cek quota yg terpakai squid lusca gmn ??