Block on tun1
I have a slight problem. Using the snapshoot from 18/2 I get blocked packages on tun1 interface. From my understanding everything should be let through this interface? How do I open it up?
Joel -
VPN-filtering is not supported yet (only ipsec filtering on latest releng snapshots is). I recommend reading for further information.
I am aware of that its not possible to filter on the tunX interface. But I have open up the IPs on LAN and DMZ interface. But packages are still blocked on the tun1 interface. It shows up in the systetemlog->firewall.
I will go through the config some more, but I cannot understand what I done wrong ???
Joel -
Seems like if i disable and enable openvpn tunnel it works. Maybe the rule is not run default on boot.
Anyway, guess there are other problems to fix instead for me :)cheers,
joel -
I have same problems only I apply firewall filter to stop blocking tun1