Captive Portal cofiguration
Hi Guys,
I am having difficulty to configure captive portal. Could you please advise me how should I start configure the captive portal. Actually, this is part of my Final Year project. I have tried to configure the captive portal but the problem is:
- When i tried to configure wireless, there is no wireless configuration. The setting until the FTP part only.( is it necessary to configure wireless part?)
- I can see the wifi is connected but there is no captive portal appear on my screen. It just nothing happen.. Only the wifi is connected but cant get through captive portal.
I am not sure what should i do to check the config as i totally just follow the tutorial.
Desperately need someone help on this.
Rianna -
Did you upload a Captive Portal home page?
Im using the default Capive portal homepage provided by pfsense.. Im following exactly in Captive Portal video tutorial.
Im using the default Capive portal homepage provided by pfsense.. Im following exactly in Captive Portal video tutorial.
I didn't understand most of the original post so the suggestion on the captive portal home page was a wild guess. I'll need more information:
What captive portal video tutorial? (Please provide a URL; I might want to refer to the video or explain something in the video.)
What version of pfSense are you using? (You should be using 2.0-RELEASE, the video may be referring to an older release.)
What interfaces are configured on your pfSense? (e.g. WAN, LAN, OPT1)
Are you using a wireless interface in pfSense as a WiFi access point (if so, which pfSense interface) or are you using an external wireless access point (and if so, which pfSense interface is the external Access Point connected to)?
- When i tried to configure wireless, there is no wireless configuration. The setting until the FTP part only.( is it necessary to configure wireless part?)
- I can see the wifi is connected but there is no captive portal appear on my screen. It just nothing happen.. Only the wifi is connected but cant get through captive portal.
Where are you looking for the wireless confguration?
What wireless interface are you trying to use? (Maybe its not a supported interface.)
What setting until the FTP part? (If you mean a pfSense GUI menu please provide the path to the menu.)
What thinks the WiFi is connected and what is it connected to? (How can you get a WiFi connection to pfSense when 1) says you can't configure pfSense WiFi?)
What did you do that you expect will have caused captive portal home page to appear on your screen?
1st Quote:
- Please find below link i've taken from pfSense tutorial for Captive Portal and Wifi Configuration.
After you have pfSense installed you may want to add a WiFi Interface. This tutorial will help guide you through the configuration.
Installing pfSense on PC Engines WRAP2)Currently i am running on pfsense version 1.2.3 (i am referring to the pfSense book when choosing this version)..
3)Interface are configured in WAN, Lan and OPT1.
4)At first, i tried to use pfsense as a wifi access point(Int OPT1) but when i go through the setting on OPT1, it only appear until the FTP part. There is no wireless configuraion on the setting at all. Then i tried to use external Access Point (which is int OPT1)...
- Do i need to configure the wireless setting in pfsense eventhough im using external AP? cz once i connect the AP, i still not ble to see the wireless configuration on OPT1. Still appear until FTP part.
2nd Quote:
You can refer to the ADD WIFI INT link above as i follow exactly on that link. The part when video shown to "You're setting here may vary. In this case the setting is AD-Hoc. Click here to continue" which is in wireless configuration is not appear on my pfsense. Please be informed im using wireless int OPT1.
I can see the connection by uisng external Access Point as i can see the SSID appear and connected but not sure wther its connected to the pfsense. (Do i need to configure the access point in order to communicate with pfsense. Currently im using AP default setting only)
I have setting the captive portal and connected the external Access point with default setting. (Did i do it correctly?)
Other information:
My project is to create the captive portal with One Time Password which means user is allow to access the wifi for 2 hours only. Once user exceed the limit, the connection will be disconnected and they need to get another passowrd in order to access the Internet. I've been trying with the captive portal and wifi connection 1st before i can proceed with OTP and radius server.
Please Help...
Thanks alot.
I haven't used pfSense 1.2.3 for at least 18 months. (I have been using 2.0 snapshot builds for most of that time.) My recollections of pfSense 1.2.3 may not be very accurate.
Please provide the output of the pfSense shell command ifconfig -a because I want to verify that you have a WiFi capable network interface in your system.
Is your system built on a Wrap motherboard?
My project is to create the captive portal with One Time Password which means user is allow to access the wifi for 2 hours only. Once user exceed the limit, the connection will be disconnected and they need to get another passowrd in order to access the Internet. I've been trying with the captive portal and wifi connection 1st before i can proceed with OTP and radius server.
Please Help…
Thanks alot.
The best way to accomplish this, it is to upgrade to Pfsense 2.0-RELEASE. And set up a captive portal with vouchers. This is something like a prepaid card. According to your requirements pfsense will generate a code (password) for a specific time, once the client log in have to write that code in the portal page. When the time exceed the limit, the connection will be disconnected automaticaly, until get another code!!!!
Is the dhcp server for network interface in which you have enabled captive portal using the same interface IP as the DNS? Not setting this up properly will cause this. Ahem… First hand experience....