Voucher Length
ah, so i must be doing something wrong in the voucher configuration. :)
Which values did you use in number of roll, ticket and checksum?
I am now trying out different values in the configuration. 8 - 10 characters is good in my opinion.
Thanks Valshare
Hi again,
I couldn't make the voucher length shorter than 20 characters. Rolls and Ticket bits seems to effect the number of voucher rolls and tickets which can be created under each roll or tickets.
Kind Regards
here are my setting. You must delete the old tickets and create new ones.
Regards, Valle
there is an error in the "# of Roll Bits". This must be 15 to leave room the place the magic initializer.
here are my setting. You must delete the old tickets and create new ones.
Regards, Valle
Hi Valle,
Thanks to you, i was able to generate 10 - 7 character long voucher :)
I was able to generate 7 character log vouchers with the default voucher configs from a fresh installation of pfsense 2.0. I had 20 character voucher's after i changed "character set" to 123456789.
Many Thanks & Kind Regards
Create a shorter private key and modify the roll/ticket/checksum bits accordingly.
My vouchers are 6 characters long.
explain how to do it, please!
First generate a key "openssl genrsa 30 > key.private"
I'm not sure about the 30 but I tried a few times to get the smallest possible number, it was 29-30-31 or something. The lowest one it would accept.
Then openssl rsa -pubout < key.private >key.public
And use the following values in the configuration screen:
Roll bits: #5 (This can be more but we didn't have to use many different rolls)
Ticket bits: #16
Checksum bits: #5With this values I had a roll with 1023 vouchers with a length of 5-6 characters.
First generate a key "openssl genrsa 30 > key.private"
I'm not sure about the 30 but I tried a few times to get the smallest possible number, it was 29-30-31 or something. The lowest one it would accept.
Then openssl rsa -pubout < key.private >key.public
And use the following values in the configuration screen:
Roll bits: #5 (This can be more but we didn't have to use many different rolls)
Ticket bits: #16
Checksum bits: #5With this values I had a roll with 1023 vouchers with a length of 5-6 characters.
works only with 31… i got error with 30!"openssl genrsa 31 > key.private"
The vouchers is now with 7 characters length!
Work like a charm!!!
First generate a key "openssl genrsa 30 > key.private"
I'm not sure about the 30 but I tried a few times to get the smallest possible number, it was 29-30-31 or something. The lowest one it would accept.
Then openssl rsa -pubout < key.private >key.public
And use the following values in the configuration screen:
Roll bits: #5 (This can be more but we didn't have to use many different rolls)
Ticket bits: #16
Checksum bits: #5With this values I had a roll with 1023 vouchers with a length of 5-6 characters.
Sorry, can you explain better?
because it still doesn't work. I need to generate a voucher with 6 characters.Thanks for help,
Bruno -
What parameters did you try? What was the outcome?
How many characters do you have in your set of available characters for voucher codes?
What parameters did you try? What was the outcome?
How many characters do you have in your set of available characters for voucher codes?
Hi Wallabybob
That's my configuration:
I tried all combinations and stays longer than 10 characters. Can you help me, please ?Thanks,
Bruno -
Can you help me, please ?
I have not read the voucher handling code so I'm guessing. After reading this thread a few times I SUSPECT Sandern left out a step in his instructions: I suspect that the contents of the key.private and key.public files should be pasted into the corresponding key boxes on the voucher configuration page. Did you do that?
I suspect the default keys need to be replaced by shorter keys to produce a shorter length voucher code. Possibly a smaller magic number will also help.
Can you help me, please ?
I have not read the voucher handling code so I'm guessing. After reading this thread a few times I SUSPECT Sandern left out a step in his instructions: I suspect that the contents of the key.private and key.public files should be pasted into the corresponding key boxes on the voucher configuration page. Did you do that?
I suspect the default keys need to be replaced by shorter keys to produce a shorter length voucher code. Possibly a smaller magic number will also help.
Hi Wallabybob,
thank you so much !!! Its Works!! was really missing copy content to the correct fields.Thanks,
Bruno -
Thanks for reporting back.
I have the same requirement as the topicstarter and I need to have vauchers with 6 sumbols.
I tried to follow instructions described in all replies.run:
openssl genrsa 30 > key.private
openssl rsa -pubout < key.private >key.publicUsed the following values in the configuration screen:
Roll bits: #5 (This can be more but we didn't have to use many different rolls)
Ticket bits: #16
Checksum bits: #5deleted and recreated vouchers. Didn't work. Still have vouchers with 11 characters lenght.
As I suppose I will have to "the contents of the key.private and key.public files should be pasted into the corresponding key boxes on the voucher configuration page"
I know where to instert the new private and public keys, however I have no idea how to extract new generated private and public keys.
Can you please explain me how to do it step by step?
Thanks in advance!
As I suppose I will have to "the contents of the key.private and key.public files should be pasted into the corresponding key boxes on the voucher configuration page"
I know where to instert the new private and public keys, however I have no idea how to extract new generated private and public keys.
The pfSense shell command
openssl genrsa 30 > key.private
generates a new private key and writes it into file named key.private in the default path. The shell command```
openssl rsa -pubout < key.private >key.publicCopy and paste is recommended here so avoid making errors in manually copying the key to the voucher configuration page.
As I suppose I will have to "the contents of the key.private and key.public files should be pasted into the corresponding key boxes on the voucher configuration page"
I know where to instert the new private and public keys, however I have no idea how to extract new generated private and public keys.
The pfSense shell command
openssl genrsa 30 > key.private
generates a new private key and writes it into file named key.private in the default path. The shell command```
openssl rsa -pubout < key.private >key.publicCopy and paste is recommended here so avoid making errors in manually copying the key to the voucher configuration page.
Thanks for clarification! That has worked and I have 5 characters vouchers now!
Cheers! -
I´m still unable to generate a lesser code.
After trying "openssl genrsa 30" with the openSSL Tool and copy/paste it on Captive Portal page, my Database is destroyed while generating voucher codes.
Following Error is displayed.
"CFG bad content in cfg file /var/etc/voucher.cfg"Copy old rsa key back, database is still destroyed. So i have to restore my backup config.
Can someone write me a step by step list?
Can someone write me a step by step list?
You apparently generated a private key. What did you use for the public key?
i used this:
First generate a key "openssl genrsa 30 > key.private"
I'm not sure about the 30 but I tried a few times to get the smallest possible number, it was 29-30-31 or something. The lowest one it would accept.
Then openssl rsa -pubout < key.private >key.public
And use the following values in the configuration screen:
Roll bits: #5 (This can be more but we didn't have to use many different rolls)
Ticket bits: #16
Checksum bits: #5With this values I had a roll with 1023 vouchers with a length of 5-6 characters.
Here i used 31 instead of 30
I copied the wrong with "openssl genrsa 30"….. i meaned "openssl genrsa 31"