WEBGUI not responding accessing over wan
Accessing the webGUI over WAN interface you need to open ports in firewaall on WAN tab. By default all ports on WAN are closed.
Further check under SYSTEM -> ADVANCED for "DNS REBIND CHECK" and "HTTP REFFERER" and change it to your needs.
Off course I ve made NAT port forward and created firewall rules and both of setting you sad are disabled, but the strange thing is that I can reach site of web gui because it ask me to select Continue to this website (not recommended) - website's security certificate and when I select to continue it just reloading indefinitely.
You do not need a NAT port forward to reach the GUI from the WAN. Remove it, and it will likely start working.
Nope this didnt help. Now I dont even recive cert. error page.
can you screen shot your rules? please make sure that the NAT for this is removed (port forward or 1:1). If there is any outbound NAT created for this, please remote it also. You will need a rule for HTTP if you are using non-secure web and HTTPS for secured access. If you want to utilize the redirect, you will need both.
I had problems too with standard ports. After reading and trying lots of configurations finally i got it work with
one TCP rule to Firewall:
Port 80 does not work to me !?![firewall rule.JPG](/public/imported_attachments/1/firewall rule.JPG)
![firewall rule.JPG_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/firewall rule.JPG_thumb) -
I am useing https and here are rulles:
Didn´t get your point does the rules work or do you have problems with this ?
I ve still have the problem and rulles working fine on otheri site with other pfsense box.
try this:
- disable portforward for your pfsense webmin
- create a rule on wan:
Action: Pass Disabled: unchecked Interface: WAN Protocol: TCP Source: any (or if you want to determine allowed ip's then you could put it here) Source port: any Destination: your public ip ( or use aliases ) Destination port: what is your https/http port Description: firewall management
I use aliases: Firewall_mgmt_ips & Firewall_mgmt_ports
it just works
Wow, I've never gotten the webgui to work from the wan side for AGES! I had a port forward rule as well as an access rule. The odd things is
it works the other way with Monowall, which is what I used to use before moving to pFsense. -
So this is solved?
I finaly solved the problem. It wasnt problem with setup on pfsense. The problem was with ADSL line. Internet provider made some changes on their side and now everthing works fine . The problem have been with some https traffic.
So this is solved?
No, this for some reason has never worked for me. Hasn't worked on a Dell server, laptop and Soekris box. It starts to open the the Webgui very slowly then it crashes.
For whatever reason I never have an issue with Monowall. I assume you configure remote access the same way on both platforms. -
Piplfox- is a routable public address and shouldn't be used on LAN unless your the user of that subnet…  It has the possibility of causing you problems.
Heres a screenshot of the rule on my test box... Â I use a nonstandard port on my production boxes...
as pointed out already... Â You should have no port forwarding turned on for this rule.