Min-ttl/max-ttl (now $120)
I extremely need the function of that:
min-ttl/max-ttl changeable optionin in system_advanced_firewall.php
(http://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/1683 | http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,27206.0.html)
I know that min-ttl is available in packet filter, i can do that myself using command line.
I underline that i especially need the function in bold. It'd VERY great to be in PFsence interface and functionality installed.Ready to pay. If you're intrested call back, please, the price is amountable.
What do you expect max-ttl to do?
I need to set TTL like iptables with it's set-TTL does. It must reduce packets' TTL value to the set max-TTL value.
For example, if max-TTL is set to 64 and the packet has TTL 128, it must be changed to 64 -
up to $120
Only min-ttl actually exists in the underlying software, not sure why you'd want a max-ttl (I understand what it would do, you didn't clarify why you'd ever want such a thing though).
This would be adequate to add a min-ttl field to the advanced page, but nowhere near adding a max-ttl and not sure of any real need for that. Would min-ttl alone be adequate?
The main goal is a ban user's NAT on LAN