Remote config backup using HTTP requests on 2.0
On 1.2.3 I was using a series of commands (example below) to remotely backup the config files of my various firewalls.
wget -q --no-check-certificate --post-data 'Submit=download' https://$USER:$PASS@$HOSTNAME:$PORT/diag_backup.php -O /backups/$HOSTNAME/all-`date +%Y%m%d`.xml
Since upgrading to 2.0, my backups have all stopped working, due to the new login system being an HTML web form rather than HTTP authentication.
Is there a quick way I can make them start working again?
Check the doc wiki, there is an example there for doing the same thing on 2.0.
Looked once, didn't find it. Found it the second time… Thanks :)
(For anyone else: )
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