Can pfsense do this all on one machine or not
Hi Guys
I just want to know if pfsense can do this on all one machine or not? but here it goes I need to limit bandwidth to 4 to 6 servers with a 30-50meg business coax connection and be able to give each server server its own static IP address. -
Shouldn't be a problem.
Now other question would a old intel board with p3 with 512 mb would be able to handle 45meg out of 50meg connection without problems? I am just trying to piece together pfsense box what parts I have.
Shouldn't be a problem if you're not trying to vpn it all.
Well lets say if I am only one is going to vpn into the box would that be any problems? Basically I would need to get inside of these servers to do updates and such…. Would that be a problem?
No problem for any of that, and a P3 is adequate for that much bandwidth. VPN is no problem either.
Alright thanks for everybody for helping me on this future project.
I am currently running my pfsense on a OLD P3 800mhz, with 512MB ram.. Have no issues with it at all, I vpn INTO it pretty much every day from work.
Now if your trying to setup a site to site sort of vpn, for say news or p2p download, etc. Then yeah that might be a bit much, buddy on another board just set that up with the giganews vpn and he has a fairly new box dual cpu 1.8GHz I think and when he downloads through the the vpn his cpu was at 50%, etc. And that was at the 50Mbit connection, so I doubt a old p3 could really handle that sort of vpn. But as road warrior server into your network it works great!
I keep meaning to update the box to something somewhat current, but hey it keeps ticking!