Normal logout page instead of pop-up - where is the pop-up code ?
I would like to use a logout page, but not as a popup as popups often get blocked or do not work. I cannot find any pop-up code in the popup itself. Can somebody direct me where the pop-up code sits so I can comment it out in order to have an ordinary logout page.
thanks in advance, Mark -
Hi !
Here it is: /etc/inc/ - lines 299->332.
As you can see in the code, the info stored in $config['captiveportal']['page']['errtext'] will be used as the logout windows.
If not defined, a hard coded popup windows will be used.Your page can be defind by filling in " $config['captiveportal']['page']['errtext'] ", this can be done by supplying a file with the code on the Services => Captive portal page, you will find "Logout page contents" at the bottom.
Btw: sending code for a (default) popup logout window or opening another browser tab (another page) will often treated equally.