Can i create another Virtual HDD to store Squid cache?
So, i have pfSense 2.0 running on VMWare ESXi 5.0 and i have done something wrong that i am trying to fix rather than recreate VM again. I installed it allocating it 100gb disk space, but it somehow only created a 4gb partition.. not sure how but anyways what i want to know is this: I am needing to be running Squid for a transparent caching proxy, and am wondering if it is possible to create another Virtual HDD that i can attach to pfSense and on that extra drive only store Squid cache?
This will fix my problem and i think it will be good for future also as i can move that cache onto another device such as a NAS when i get more space.
I want the Cache to be stored on the drive (logs also) and i want my pfSense just to store the Lightsquid logs so i can access them and see how much bandwidth i am saving through caching.
If you'll be using Squid in production (i.e. not just for testing) for many users, then your Squid's cache_dir should be pointing to a local disk, not a remote system (NAS) or even virtualized (in a VM).
Logs can be stored on a remote system (e.g. NAS)
My whole pfSense is running in a VM, so are you saying that i shouldnt be using squid? Yes, it is production.
IMHO it's OK to run a router in a VM (especially if you do PCI-passthrough).
I wouldn't run Squid inside pfsense itself for a large network, for reasons that have been discussed in the past, e.g. SoftUpdates are disabled by default etc (pfsense is a router distribution, not a server distribution)
Ok, so if i was to have another physical server as a squid server, can that still work with pfSense Lightsquid for reporting? Or would i need to run lightsquid on the same box as squid?
I just like the lightsquid plugin on pfSense so was hoping that can be done.
Ok, so if i was to have another physical server as a squid server, can that still work with pfSense Lightsquid for reporting? Or would i need to run lightsquid on the same box as squid?
I just like the lightsquid plugin on pfSense so was hoping that can be done.
You will have to run lightsquid on the same server as squid. If you wanted to run it on your pfsense vm, you would have to manually move the log file over. IMHO wouldn't be ideal and be more of PIA…