Asterisk 1.8 package
I see that the GUI of the package needs some work to be compatible to 2.1. I'll soon post the necessary modifications.
Is there a place where I could push the modifications needed for this plugin to work with 2.1? Like GitGub, etc…?
I've just modified my config file editor page, with complete backup and restore options.
I've also optimized the installation to properly run on NanoBSD systems. I'm going to update them accordingly at
this post refer to i thread i started because this the GUI was not working properly on PfSense 2.1 release find out at the moment that two file of the GUI need to be modified to point to the new location for the package:
path need to be modified to :
depending of architecture instead of :
path need to be modified to :
depending of architecture instead of :
"/var/log/asterisk/messages"for edit config file, the new path is "/usr/pbi/asterisk-amd64/etc/asterisk" for the config file
i don't know where to go to do the modification or if someone have to do it at my place (never did it before) but this make the package working on PfSense 2.1 . It is working flawlessly for me for the moment but i have to mod the php file each time an update is done on the package.
Work is in progress just now with modifications to address these issues.
Actually paths will be corrected on the file system to point to writable locations (as /usr/pbi/…. is not writable on NanoBSD), symlinks will be used and Asterisk configuration files will be updated accordingly on first install.
Please be patient, soon the update will be available in the packages list.
Package update v0.3 should be online soon.
If you already installed asterisk package on v2.1, I suggest to start from scratch by creating a fresh install of pfSense, or at least uninstall the complete Asterisk package, remove these directories by hand, reboot and reinstall Asterisk package:
Spool directory: /var/spool/asterisk Log directory: /var/log/asterisk Run/Sockets directory: /var/run/asterisk ASTDB: /var/db/asterisk/astdb
Note to users upgrading from pfSense v2.0.x:
Asterisk package was converted to PBI, thus the system file locations for it have been changed. That means that the asterisk.conf file on the 2.0.x and 2.1 will have different [directories] sections. Please revise the directory paths on the fresh install of Asterisk on v2.1, and correct them manually before restoring the configuration from 2.0.x.
On simpler scenarios, where only SIP protocol is used, the first approach to upgrade Asterisk would be to actually install it fresh on a v2.1 box, and replace sip.conf and extensions.conf files with the previous ones. All the other config files can be left in their default state if you didn't modify them earlier.
Work is in progress just now with modifications to address these issues.
Actually paths will be corrected on the file system to point to writable locations (as /usr/pbi/…. is not writable on NanoBSD), symlinks will be used and Asterisk configuration files will be updated accordingly on first install.
Please be patient, soon the update will be available in the packages list.
Thanks robi for the quick answer :)
Package update v0.3 should be online soon.
If you already installed asterisk package on v2.1, I suggest to start from scratch by creating a fresh install of pfSense, or at least uninstall the complete Asterisk package, remove these directories by hand, reboot and reinstall Asterisk package:
Spool directory: /var/spool/asterisk Log directory: /var/log/asterisk Run/Sockets directory: /var/run/asterisk ASTDB: /var/db/asterisk/astdb
i'll have to reinstall my setup from scratch on 2.1 cause my HDD is failing
if i have little time, i'll post the name of the file and what to temporary modify as a workaround until the package is completely updated.
you do a great job here folks :)
It's already done, devs from pfSense need to pull it in to the servers…
It's already done, devs from pfSense need to pull it in to the servers…
awsome !!
i'll wait and test it :)
is the last update Asterisk 1.8 pkg v0.3 broken for you ?
- does'nt want to start via web GUI (via status -> service or via Asterisk command page).
- asterisk log page is broken (parse error)
- it start manually but extension won't register (no modification in conf file from 1.8 pkg v0.2)
nevermind for extension not registeringBUT
still need to start manually via shell ( asterisk -C /usr/pbi/asterisk-amd64/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf )and log page is missing a ")" on line 70
Yes, I've fixed them yesterday evening, pushed them to the server, still waiting to be pulled in.
Hi roby,
I've tested it on 2.1 and code was not working correctly.
I did some changes and at least on 2.1 it's working fine now.
Check if it's ok on nanobsd too.
It's broken again, sent you a PM with the reason why.
It's broken again, sent you a PM with the reason why.
Can you check again with latest changes?
The Asterisk package works now with pfSense 2.1. both full setup and NanoBSD.
It includes a web interface for issuing basic or custom commands to asterisk console, calls log, system log, configuration files editing option, configuration directory backup and restore option.
By default when installed on pfSense it's preconfigured for SIP operation, and has got two demo extensions, 301 and 302 which allow testing with real IP phones or softphones through the LAN interface.
tell here how to install chan-dongle? ?PF 2.1
Asterisk Services 1.8 pkg v0.3.1 Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications.
Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. -
You need to compile it on freebsd 8.3
How cool… One could use Asterisk to place directly mobile calls through a supported 3G modem.
How cool… One could use Asterisk to place directly mobile calls through a supported 3G modem.
Yes. I've tested it on linux and it works. The problem I had way with usb power supply for multiple 3g modem and power boot sequence some times.