@KelvinU said in How to block specific webpage and not a all website:
sounds NL, right?
Born over there, exact.
Living in France for the last 3 decades.
@KelvinU said in How to block specific webpage and not a all website:
though it came somewhat pretentious, right?! What makes you assume I'm a newbie?
Lol, you first : what makes you presume that I assume you are a newbie ?
But I get your point ^^
It's true, I am and I was pushing a bit.
My point of view :
About the proxy solution : me talking about planes was just an very accessible way to make you understand what the (imho) real question is.
A lot of people fly planes. It's feasible. It just needs a lot of work.
It's just that you were asking about why "/this/" isn't accessible to pfSense and/or anything else other then your browser and the web server on the other side. So I kicked of my way of saying : go have a look.
I good have finished the question with one question back : do you know what https is ? (I sometimes do - as this is not a ).
And I'm hoping I waked up your curiosity, that you dive into it, and then come back here and tell us how you did it. Because I'm still waiting as I never had the patience and/or time to use a proxy set up myself. Also, I don't have the age neither the young kids at home that motivates me being able to see my own traffic, let alone traffic off other people. That makes me feel very uncomfortable.
@KelvinU said in How to block specific webpage and not a all website:
and I've learned that we should never say, "No one. Not pfSense. Nobody. Not on planet Earth."
and I fully agree with you.
And we also enter into the "computer politics" now. So no more black and white, all becomes suddenly 'gray'. And it always was.
If TLS (real time) decoding was possible, while the private key is unknown, this would mean "some one" could listen into your TLS connections at any time.
I get it, it's the role of every big (governmental ?!) organization to let us know, the big public, that it's a scandal according to them, that they can't do their job right (protecting all of us, the big public), that they can't access your phone's traffic, can't see what you are saying (writing) to some one else. as national security is at stake here. So they say, your traffic is hidden and that's a problem for them - and this for us.
edit : still looking for the country where the usage of TLS or comparable is forbidden by law ^^
And at the same time, somewhere hidden, down deep, in zone 51, they have this quantum computer that can tap into everything all ready using, probably, a back door key ? Maybe. And they won't say any one of course that they actually can I get that (except for tiktok of course). Let's give the public the impression they are safe, so the will "speak" freely, not knowing that some one listens in after all. If that capability was known, then Internet as a communication method would fall .... world economy would fall.
But real time brut-forcing their way in ? Well ... do the math yourself ^^
Keep in mind : most of what I said above is "afaik" and "imho".
@KelvinU said in How to block specific webpage and not a all website:
I know a ton of GertJan
Oula ... why even bother posting here - come and see me !?
As I've questions also, and not only pfSense.