PFsense 2.0.1 HyperV 2008R2 fdisk issue
Hello all.
When trying to install PFsense 2.0.1 on hyper-V I'm getting an error when trying to install to the virtual harddrive.
(The vhd is 50gb fixed size)Execution of the command
/sbin/fdisk -v -f /tmp/new.fdisk ad0
FAILED with a return code of 1.View Log shows:
fdisk: WARNING line 1: number of cylinders (25700) may be out-of-range (must be within 1-1024 for normal BIOS operation, unless the entire disk is dedicated to freeBSD)
fdisk: ERROR on lin e1: number of sectors must be within (1-63)Anyone have a solution to this?
Found the issue and the resolution.
With Microsoft's VHDs if you create a drive with a size over about 31gb it sets the geometry to 255 sectors per track, fdisk does not like this at all!
Making a drive below 30gb will set the disk geometry to a happy 63 sectors per track which fdisk is fine with.