Squid3 - New GUI with sync, normal and reverse proxy
Edit this parameters on GUI (Traffic Mngt) - scroll down the page:
quick_abort_min 102400 KB quick_abort_max 102400 KB quick_abort_pct 60
Further try to search for "HIT" or "REFRESH" on access.log
Edit this parameters on GUI (Traffic Mngt) - scroll down the page:
quick_abort_min 102400 KB quick_abort_max 102400 KB quick_abort_pct 60
Further try to search for "HIT" or "REFRESH" on access.log
thanks for the suggestions, still no joy.
this is a sample of the access log.:
1334943652.116 165 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/star.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.160 197 TCP_MISS/304 364 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/useron.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.185 95 TCP_MISS/200 527 GET http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/adview? - DIRECT/ text/html 1334943652.200 212 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/icons/profile_sm.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.209 112 TCP_MISS/304 302 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/r20120411/r20110914/abg.js - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.244 176 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/email_sm.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.265 194 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/im_on.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.302 93 TCP_MISS/304 302 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/images/ad_choices_i.png - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.319 106 TCP_MISS/304 302 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/images/ad_choices_en.png - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.339 226 TCP_MISS/304 364 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/post/xx.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.464 203 TCP_MISS/200 1270 GET http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads? - DIRECT/ text/html 1334943652.480 215 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/buttons/quote.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.501 231 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/buttons/modify.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.512 317 TCP_MISS/200 1871 GET http://ad2.adfarm1.adition.com/js? - DIRECT/ application/x-javascript 1334943652.519 224 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/buttons/delete.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.558 218 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Smileys/default/cry.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.588 218 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/icons/modify_inline.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.605 218 TCP_MISS/304 384 GET http://imagesrv.adition.com/js/adition.js - DIRECT/ application/javascript 1334943652.621 174 TCP_MISS/304 364 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/ip.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.626 80 TCP_MISS/200 527 GET http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/adview? - DIRECT/ text/html 1334943652.745 192 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Smileys/default/grin.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.770 209 TCP_MISS/304 364 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/useroff.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.806 187 TCP_MISS/200 1882 GET http://ad2.adfarm1.adition.com/js? - DIRECT/ application/x-javascript 1334943652.820 207 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/im_off.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.849 189 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/mirrortab_first.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.866 181 TCP_MISS/304 364 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/mirrortab_back.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943652.917 191 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/mirrortab_last.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943653.009 181 TCP_MISS/304 366 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/catbg.jpg - DIRECT/ - 1334943653.014 180 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/quote_img.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943653.027 222 TCP_MISS/200 6781 GET http://ad2.adfarm1.adition.com/banner? - DIRECT/ text/javascript 1334943653.070 188 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/code_img.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943653.096 170 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/maintab_first.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943653.115 185 TCP_MISS/304 364 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/maintab_back.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943653.178 196 TCP_MISS/304 365 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/maintab_last.gif - DIRECT/ - 1334943653.300 199 TCP_MISS/304 366 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/titlebg.jpg - DIRECT/ - 1334943653.309 213 TCP_MISS/200 6785 GET http://ad2.adfarm1.adition.com/banner? - DIRECT/ text/javascript
for me it is working. This is my access.log
First downloading a cached pfsense.iso file (100MB)
then went to forum.ofsense.org
Then did a brwser refresh1334945508.305 10479 TCP_HIT/200 102638928 GET http://pfsense.mirror.range-id.it/downloads/pfSense-2.0.1-RELEASE-i386.iso.gz - NONE/- application/x-gzip 1334945530.527 755 TCP_MISS/200 11348 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php - DIRECT/ text/html 1334945530.622 306 TCP_MISS/304 323 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/default/script.js? - DIRECT/ - 1334945530.635 315 TCP_MISS/304 323 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/style.css? - DIRECT/ - 1334945530.658 336 TCP_MISS/304 321 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/default/print.css? - DIRECT/ - 1334945530.675 141 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/304 256 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js - DIRECT/ - 1334945531.054 167 TCP_MISS/200 499 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif? - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945531.323 52 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/304 257 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/expansion_embed.js - DIRECT/ - 1334945531.685 49 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/304 256 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/osd.js - DIRECT/ - 1334945531.938 324 TCP_MISS/200 2016 GET http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads? - DIRECT/ text/html 1334945532.028 289 TCP_MISS/200 2015 GET http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads? - DIRECT/ text/html 1334945532.060 110 TCP_MISS/200 484 GET http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/adview? - DIRECT/ text/html 1334945532.151 106 TCP_MISS/200 484 GET http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/adview? - DIRECT/ text/html 1334945532.820 678 TCP_MISS/200 4692 GET http://ad.turn.com/server/ads.js? - DIRECT/ text/javascript 1334945532.933 706 TCP_MISS/200 4693 GET http://ad.turn.com/server/ads.js? - DIRECT/ text/javascript 1334945533.293 173 TCP_MISS/200 2909 GET http://ads.heias.com/x/heias.TAG.v2.0/? - DIRECT/ application/x-javascript 1334945533.317 185 TCP_MISS/200 2909 GET http://ads.heias.com/x/heias.TAG.v2.0/? - DIRECT/ application/x-javascript 1334945533.826 303 TCP_MISS/200 4707 GET http://ads.heias.com/x/heias.TAG.v2.0/tag.php? - DIRECT/ application/x-javascript 1334945533.832 417 TCP_MISS/200 4712 GET http://ads.heias.com/x/heias.TAG.v2.0/tag.php? - DIRECT/ application/x-javascript 1334945534.118 193 TCP_MISS/200 1319 GET http://bs.serving-sys.com/BurstingPipe/adServer.bs? - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945535.162 191 TCP_MISS/302 752 GET http://ads.heias.com/x/heias_image.php? - DIRECT/ application/x-shockwave-flash 1334945535.188 218 TCP_MISS/200 3641 GET http://cdn.turn.com/server/ddc.htm? - DIRECT/ text/html 1334945535.192 223 TCP_MISS/200 1319 GET http://bs.serving-sys.com/BurstingPipe/adServer.bs? - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945535.195 225 TCP_MISS/302 752 GET http://ads.heias.com/x/heias_image.php? - DIRECT/ application/x-shockwave-flash 1334945535.207 189 TCP_MISS/200 3641 GET http://cdn.turn.com/server/ddc.htm? - DIRECT/ text/html 1334945535.313 147 TCP_MISS/304 206 GET http://ads.heias.com/images/tmp/11409/20282/heias_7_20282_160586.swf? - DIRECT/ - 1334945535.775 89 TCP_MISS/304 206 GET http://ads.heias.com/x/heias.xml.template/ret_xml_1.0.12.swf - DIRECT/ - 1334945535.946 102 TCP_MISS/200 812 GET http://ads.heias.com/x/heias.xml.template/? - DIRECT/ text/xml 1334945535.959 107 TCP_MISS/200 812 GET http://ads.heias.com/x/heias.xml.template/? - DIRECT/ text/xml 1334945541.188 60 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 5299 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js - DIRECT/ text/javascript 1334945541.201 73 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 7347 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js - DIRECT/ text/javascript 1334945541.301 667 TCP_MISS/200 11348 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php - DIRECT/ text/html 1334945541.407 304 TCP_MISS/200 483 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/default/print.css? - DIRECT/ text/css 1334945541.463 331 TCP_MISS/200 4149 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/default/fader.js - DIRECT/ application/javascript 1334945541.679 608 TCP_MISS/200 13948 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/default/script.js? - DIRECT/ application/javascript 1334945541.690 618 TCP_MISS/200 13280 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/style.css? - DIRECT/ text/css 1334945542.031 169 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 1595 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/bg_body.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.098 165 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 751 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/transparency.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.134 182 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 1029 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/icons/folder_open.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.142 169 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 1124 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/rss.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.175 69 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 5299 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js - DIRECT/ text/javascript 1334945542.176 70 TCP_MISS/200 499 GET http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif? - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.219 165 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 763 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/filter.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.309 200 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 489 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/coltitle_bg.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.329 194 TCP_MISS/200 950 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/subforum_off.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.347 205 TCP_MISS/200 1221 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/new_some.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.390 169 TCP_MISS/200 1752 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/new_none.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.480 370 TCP_MISS/200 942 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/cat_unread.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.499 188 TCP_MISS/200 2594 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/icons/info.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.516 404 TCP_MISS/200 2293 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/off.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.520 409 TCP_MISS/200 1045 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/collapse.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.543 431 TCP_MISS/200 2171 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/on.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.553 222 TCP_MISS/200 2310 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/icons/online.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.649 168 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 854 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/maintab_first.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.667 166 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 664 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/maintab_back.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.686 165 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 713 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/maintab_last.gif - DIRECT/ image/gif 1334945542.918 526 TCP_MISS/200 21960 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/catbg2.jpg - DIRECT/ image/jpeg 1334945543.057 709 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 21959 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/catbg.jpg - DIRECT/ image/jpeg 1334945543.060 255 TCP_MISS/200 3621 GET http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads? - DIRECT/ text/html 1334945543.092 984 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 58783 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/logo.jpg - DIRECT/ image/jpeg 1334945543.124 175 TCP_MISS/200 2827 GET http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads? - DIRECT/ text/html 1334945543.155 63 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/304 257 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/images/ad_choices_i.png - DIRECT/ - 1334945543.168 615 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 21941 GET http://forum.pfsense.org/Themes/slickprographite/images/titlebg.jpg - DIRECT/ image/jpeg 1334945543.214 110 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/304 257 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/images/ad_choices_en.png - DIRECT/ - 1334945543.244 67 TCP_MISS/200 561 GET http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/drt/s? - DIRECT/ text/html 1334945543.395 165 TCP_MISS/200 24850 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/simgad/8603368683143355801 - DIRECT/ image/png 1334945543.433 249 TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED/200 56755 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/TemplateContainer.swf - DIRECT/ application/x-shockwave-flash 1334945543.621 112 TCP_MISS/302 806 GET http://google.com/pagead/drt/ui - DIRECT/ text/html 1334945543.675 46 TCP_MISS/302 806 GET http://google.com/pagead/drt/ui - DIRECT/ text/html 1334945543.684 54 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/304 257 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/gadgets/all_V15/all_V15_spec_728_90.swf - DIRECT/ - 1334945543.691 59 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/304 257 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/gadgets/all_V15/all_V15_spec_728_90.xml - DIRECT/ - 1334945543.834 54 TCP_MISS/200 6914 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/imgad? - DIRECT/ application/x-shockwave-flash 1334945547.398 311 TCP_MISS/200 54180 GET http://safebrowsing-cache.google.com/safebrowsing/rd/ChNnb29nLW1hbHdhcmUtc2hhdmFyEAEY4YMFIICFBSoHbkIBAP__BzIW4UEBAP______________________Hw - DIRECT/ application/vnd.google.safebrowsing-chunk 1334945549.094 158 TCP_REFRESH_MODIFIED/200 56758 GET http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/TemplateContainer_latest.swf - DIRECT/ application/x-shockwave-flash ^C [2.0.1-RELEASE][admin@pfsense.localdomain]/var/log/squid(66):
# This file is automatically generated by pfSense # Do not edit manually ! http_port http_port intercept icp_port 7 pid_filename /var/run/squid.pid cache_effective_user proxy cache_effective_group proxy error_directory /usr/local/etc/squid/errors/de-de icon_directory /usr/local/etc/squid/icons visible_hostname localhost cache_mgr admin@localhost access_log /var/log/squid/access.log cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log cache_store_log none sslcrtd_children 0 logfile_rotate 2 shutdown_lifetime 3 seconds # Allow local network(s) on interface(s) acl localnet src httpd_suppress_version_string on uri_whitespace strip dns_nameservers acl dynamic urlpath_regex cgi-bin \? cache deny dynamic cache_mem 64 MB maximum_object_size_in_memory 256 KB memory_replacement_policy heap GDSF cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA cache_dir ufs /var/squid/cache 1000 16 256 minimum_object_size 0 KB maximum_object_size 204800 KB offline_mode offcache_swap_low 90 cache_swap_high 95 # No redirector configured #Remote proxies # Setup some default acls acl allsrc src all acl localhost src acl safeports port 21 70 80 210 280 443 488 563 591 631 777 901 3128 1025-65535 acl sslports port 443 563 acl manager proto cache_object acl purge method PURGE acl connect method CONNECT http_access allow manager localhost http_access deny manager http_access allow purge localhost http_access deny purge http_access deny !safeports http_access deny CONNECT !sslports # Always allow localhost connections http_access allow localhost quick_abort_min -1 KB quick_abort_max 0 KB request_body_max_size 0 KB delay_pools 1 delay_class 1 2 delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 -1/-1 delay_initial_bucket_level 100 # Throttle extensions matched in the url acl throttle_exts urlpath_regex -i "/var/squid/acl/throttle_exts.acl" delay_access 1 allow throttle_exts delay_access 1 deny allsrc # Reverse Proxy settings # Package Integration redirect_program /usr/local/bin/squidGuard -c /usr/local/etc/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf redirector_bypass on redirect_children 3 # Custom options # Setup allowed acls # Allow local network(s) on interface(s) http_access allow localnet # Default block all to be sure http_access deny allsrc
This is just a test installation.
version 2.0.5 is out with:
new binaries again to fix transparent proxy
new option to patch captive portal to work together with non transparent use
As I'm including new features to this package, the status is back to beta until improvements and tests are done.
Marcello Coutinho -
version 2.0.5 is out with:
new binaries again to fix transparent proxy
new option to patch captive portal to work together with non transparent use
As I'm including new features to this package, the status is back to beta until improvements and tests are done.
Marcello Coutinhodude, legend it works now. i uninstalled the package then installed.
it didn't work right away though i had to stop the package, altered the config to 32 directories to store the cache.ran squid -z, then chmod -R 777 the cache directory then rebooted.
perhaps on a fresh install that won't be needed.
thanks for your time on this. :-D -
Hello all,
I have tested between Squid3 with LDAP (Windows Server 2008). I can use domain users to authentication login to web browser and successes.
pfSense configuration detail
System > General setup > DNS Servers : (Internal DNS, DHCP Windows Sever 2008 ) (OpenDNS) (OpenDNS)Sevices > DNS forwarders : Enable DNS forwarders has checked.
On Windows Server 2008
At DNS forwarder tab I forward to pfSense OpenDNS OpenDNS
also I have made pfsense record name on DNS server.After domain users successes login with web browser (Firefox, IE,Opera and Chrome). At system log I got DNS-rebind attack as the detail below.
Apr 22 13:13:31 dnsmasq[30943]: possible DNS-rebind attack detected: ForestDnsZones.xxxx.dsns Apr 22 13:13:31 dnsmasq[30943]: possible DNS-rebind attack detected: ForestDnsZones.xxxx.dsns Apr 22 13:13:31 dnsmasq[30943]: possible DNS-rebind attack detected: DomainDnsZones.xxxx.dsns Apr 22 13:13:31 dnsmasq[30943]: possible DNS-rebind attack detected: DomainDnsZones.xxxx.dsns Apr 22 13:13:31 dnsmasq[30943]: possible DNS-rebind attack detected: xxxx.dsns Apr 22 13:13:31 dnsmasq[30943]: possible DNS-rebind attack detected: xxxx.dsns
I tried to find another solution by google search and some pfsense forum but can not solve this problem. Also I tried to "disable DNS Rebinding Checks" or "Alternate Hostnames" or
"Browser HTTP_REFERER enforcement" at System > Advanced and domain overrides but when I do this I can not login with domain users to web browser. finally reboot pfSense and it does not help.Any suggestion !
Hello Marcelloc,
I just would like to inform you that Squid3 authentication with LDAP Windows Server 2008 does not work very well with OpenDNS. When I only use OpenDNS and at System > General Setup > DNS Servers, and I try to login via web browser with domain users name, the web browser still hang up only "loading" and take too long before the web page is coming up.
The way I solved this problem is :
1. Use DNS Server from ISP : 67.xx.xxx.xx and 203.xx.xxx.xx or Use DNS Server from google : and
2. At System > General Setup > DNS Servers. I take off IP address from internal DNS Server Windows 2008 because it will cause "DNS-rebind attack detected" If I still use internal dns ip address.So, at System > General Setup > DNS Servers, I only use DNS Server from my ISP (67.xx.xxx.xx and 203.xx.xxx.xx) or use Google DNS Server and that's it.
Now I can use domain users to authenticate login via web browser and I don't get any DNS-rebind attack detected anymore. Every users from the domain that I tested, it's succeses.SARG report at "View Report and Realtime tab", I have success to use a real user name from domain users (Windows Server 2008).
See screenshot.
Thank u very much Marcelloc
Hello Marcello,
When I reboot pfSense. At the console I saw some warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/pkg/squid.inc on line 946.
This is squid.inc code and **this is a line 946>**foreach ($config['installedpackages']['squidremote']['config'] as $settings)function squid_resync_upstream() { global $config; $conf = "\n#Remote proxies\n"; foreach ($config['installedpackages']['squidremote']['config'] as $settings){ if ($settings['enable'] == 'on') { $conf .= "cache_peer {$settings['proxyaddr']} {$settings['hierarchy']} {$settings['proxyport']} "; if ($settings['icpport'] == '7') $conf .= "{$settings['icpport']} {$settings['icpoptions']} {$settings['peermethod']} {$settings['allowmiss']} "; else $conf .= "{$settings['icpport']} "; #auth settings if (!empty($settings['username']) && !empty($settings['password'])){ $conf .= " login={$settings['username']}:{$settings['password']}"; } else{ $conf .= "{$settings['authoption']} "; } #other options settings if (!empty($settings['weight'])) $conf .= "weight={$settings['weight']} "; if (!empty($settings['basetime'])) $conf .= "basetime={$settings['basetime']} "; if (!empty($settings['ttl'])) $conf .= "ttl={$settings['ttl']} "; if (!empty($settings['nodelay'])) $conf .= "no-delay"; } $conf .= "\n"; } return $conf; }
I've pushed a fix for these array right now, wait 15 minutes, reinstall the package, and check if it stops the bootup error.
I've pushed a fix for these array right now, wait 15 minutes, reinstall the package, and check if it stops the bootup error.
Hello Marcelloc,
After reinstall Squid3 and reboot system, the bootup error problem has solved.
Thank u
I am getting the following error after installing squid 3. I've looked at the folder and there is no mime.conf file.
I had squid 2 + squidguard. I installed squid 3, then uninstalled squid 2 and this started happening (had originally thought 3 would overwrite 2, but both were shown in the packages). I've even tried installing 3 again, but the same error happens. I would have stayed with 2, but I've always had trouble with ncix.com and some youtube videos (preview window plays video and then it runs another preview in the preview)
Apr 24 22:00:06 squid: MIME Config Table /usr/local/etc/squid/mime.conf: (2) No such file or directory
Apr 24 21:59:32 php: : SQUID is installed but not started. Not installing "filter" rules.
Apr 24 21:59:32 php: : SQUID is installed but not started. Not installing "pfearly" rules.
Apr 24 21:59:32 php: : SQUID is installed but not started. Not installing "nat" rules.
Apr 24 21:59:26 check_reload_status: Reloading filter
Apr 24 21:59:18 php: : SQUID is installed but not started. Not installing "filter" rules.
Apr 24 21:59:17 php: : SQUID is installed but not started. Not installing "pfearly" rules.
Apr 24 21:59:17 php: : SQUID is installed but not started. Not installing "nat" rules.
Apr 24 21:59:16 php: /pkg_edit.php: The command '/usr/local/sbin/squid' returned exit code '1', the output was '2012/04/24 21:59:16| ERROR: MIME Config Table /usr/local/etc/squid/mime.conf: (2) No such file or directory FATAL: MIME Config Table /usr/local/etc/squid/mime.conf: (2) No such file or directory Squid Cache (Version 3.1.19): Terminated abnormally. CPU Usage: 0.007 seconds = 0.007 user + 0.000 sys Maximum Resident Size: 5744 KB Page faults with physical i/o: 0'
Apr 24 21:59:16 squid: MIME Config Table /usr/local/etc/squid/mime.conf: (2) No such file or directorySo I manually created a blank mime.conf file. That error went away and I then I in turn got a missing "icons" folder in the same location. I created that, and no squid works, but squidguard fails to work..
squid[58395]: Squid Parent: child process 58727 exited due to signal 6 with status 0
Closer, but not quite working at this stage for me…
hints anyone? -
Saved all screens in squid and squidguard for luck, and now it's up. I was scared to reinstall squidguard as I had read that squidguard would reinstall squid 2 again.So finally squid 3 + squidguard working good. ncix.com even works! now to just watch some youtube videos and see if the problem comes up again.
installer still does need a fix for the missing file and missing folder.
Also getting error 22 invalid argument if I try to edit the message above this.
When you are able to make PBIs for installing Squid3 on 2.1-DEVELOPMENT I am happy to test it. No rush - I see that you already have plenty of work just now!
When you are able to make PBIs for installing Squid3 on 2.1-DEVELOPMENT I am happy to test it. No rush - I see that you already have plenty of work just now!
On 2.1, install package gui and then go to console to pkg_add -r binaries until I find time to build and test pbi
I looked at throttle_exts.acl generated with "Throttle multimedia files" option checked. IMHO it lacks of extensions: wma, wav, mka, mkv, ogg, oga, ogm, ogv, rmvb.
Best regards
IGIdeus -
At "Proxy server: Traffic management" we can manage a single delay pool with the options: Per-host throttling / Overall bandwidth throttling / Maximum upload size.
I need to manage many groups of delay pools and set to different networks/Ips. This is very usefull, are you going to implement this?Thanks in advance.
I need to manage many groups of delay pools and set to different networks/Ips. This is very usefull, are you going to implement this?
No plans for this feature yet. But if you need it, you can post a bountry or make a donation for that ;)
Do you have any config sample for this?
Something like this…
delay_pools 3 ######3 delay pools
delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 12800/12800
delay_access 1 allow client_100k ######limited clients 100kbpsdelay_class 2 2
delay_parameters 2 -1/-1 25600/25600
delay_access 2 allow clientes_200k ######limited clients 200kbpsdelay_class 3 2
delay_parameters 3 -1/-1 38400/38400
delay_access 3 allow clientes_300k ######limited clients 300kbpsI wish to manage as many pools as I can, grouping users to limit the use of internet. I'll take a look at bounties.
Best regards! -
I am using package squid3 version 3.1.19 pkg 2.0.5_2.
In /usr/local/pkg/squid.inc I think this line:
http_access deny CONNECT !sslports
should be:
http_access deny connect !sslports
Also in reverse proxy web gui I need to set port 443 in order to https work. If I left blank reverse HTTPS port, it doesn't open port 443.
Also the reverse proxy HTTPS always redirect to the reverse HTTPS default site. Don't mind what mappings you use.
HTTP reverse proxy works fine.
Best regards.
When using the Reverse Proxy in theory will it redirect the traffic based upon the URL?
I've got 2 internal webservers with one public IP, should I be able to route the traffic based upon server1.mydomain.com to and say server2.mydomain.com to ?
It seems I've configured the reverse proxy properly and added a rule to allow http traffic to each private address but i'm not having any luck.
Anyone have any ideas or a detailed instructions?