Dashboard Widget for harddrive SMART status
i've put togehter a dashboard widget that shows the SMART status of the drives installed in the system. i hacked it together mainly from the code of the wake on lan widget and it looks like it work for me at the moment. but i think its a good idea if some people look over the code :)
require_once("guiconfig.inc"); require_once("pfsense-utils.inc"); require_once("functions.inc"); $devs = array(); ?> echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; ?> // Get all AD* and DA* (IDE and SCSI) devices currently installed and st$ exec("ls /dev | grep '^[ad][da][0-9]\{1,2\}$'", $devs); if(count($devs) > 0) { foreach($devs as $dev) { $dev_state = exec("smartctl -a /dev/$dev | grep result: | awk '{print $6}'"); $dev_ident = exec("diskinfo -v /dev/$dev | grep ident | awk '{print $1}'"); ##erste Spalte: Drives ausgeben echo '' . "\n"; ##zweite Spalte echo '' . "\n"; ##dritte Spalte: smartstatus ausgeben echo '' . "\n"; #tabellenspalte } } ?> **<center>' . gettext("Drive") . '</center>** | **<center>' . gettext("Ident") . '</center>** | **<center>' . gettext("SMART Status") . '</center>** | | '; echo '/dev/'. $dev ; echo ' | <center>' . "\n"; echo $dev_ident ; echo '</center> | '; #tabellenspalte if($dev_state == "PASSED") echo "$dev_state "; ##gruener Hintergrund bei PASSED else echo "$dev_state "; ##roter Hintergrund sonst echo ' | <center>[SMART Status](diag_smart.php)</center>
If you want to use the widget, create a new file with the editor of your choice /usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/smart.widget.php and paste the code above in. But again, its a quick and dirty piece of code, use at your own risk!
Greetz, marcel :)
Added, thanks!
i have tried to clean up the code, minor changes are:
- (i hope) code is now more easy to read (but remains horrible :) ) if somebody want to modify it to his needs
- copyright added (i hope its ok in this manner ?)
- in the 3. column the SMART state is alligned centered now
- the code of the widget consists now of exact 42 lines :)
@ jimp: thank you for commiting to git. :)
/* License: same as pfSense. based on code from wake_on_lan.widget.php and others. use at your own risk ! */ require_once("guiconfig.inc"); require_once("pfsense-utils.inc"); require_once("functions.inc"); ?> echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; ?> $devs = array(); ## Get all AD* and DA* (IDE and SCSI) devices currently installed and st$ exec("ls /dev | grep '^[ad][da][0-9]\{1,2\}$'", $devs); ## leant from orginal SMART status screen if(count($devs) > 0) { foreach($devs as $dev) { ## for each found drive do $dev_ident = exec("diskinfo -v /dev/$dev | grep ident | awk '{print $1}'"); ## get identifier from drive $dev_state = exec("smartctl -a /dev/$dev | grep result: | awk '{print $6}'"); ## get SMART state from drive echo '' . "\n"; ## 1\. cell in row: device echo '' . "\n"; ## 2\. cell in row: identifier ## 3\. cell in row: SMART state echo '' . "\n"; } } ?> **<center>' . gettext("Drive") . '</center>** | **<center>' . gettext("Ident") . '</center>** | **<center>' . gettext("SMART Status") . '</center>** | | ' . '/dev/'. $dev . ' | <center>' . "\n" . $dev_ident . '</center> | <center>'; if($dev_state == "PASSED") ## if SMART state is "PASSED", draw background green echo "$dev_state "; else ## at any other SMART state, draw background red echo "$dev_state "; echo '</center> | <center>[SMART Status](diag_smart.php)</center>
greets, Marcel
Thanks Marcel
I just made a couple of changes, to match the pfSense dashboard colors scheme:"PASSED", draw background lightgreen --> 90EE90 any other SMART state, draw background lightcoral --> F08080
If anyone is interested, can download the smart.widget.php (ready to use) from: http://ptt.4mg.com/pfSense/
EDIT: File Reuploaded to include the Changes made by Jimp
Made some further optimizations and fixed the license up: