Outbound openvpn to Expressvpn and route voIP traffic through it only - Bid $
after i added route-nopull i get the below routing table which seems correct now
if i added the 'route-nopull' then went to AON and switched it back to Auto and under rules in lan to any removed the gateway which was as wan, all traffic goes out the default wan conenction which earlier wasnting working at all untill i specified wan as gateway so i guess that got solved.
according to this thread http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,7361.0.html its not possible to shape traffic that goes inside a tunnel so the whole tunnel traffic needs to be sent to a single queue so i just want to route the voip so i added 2 rules under floating tab one with direction out and selected source as any and destination as vpn subnet and other as traffic in, source vpn subnet and destination any and assigned the qvoip to both but only the in traffic goes to qvoip and the out still goes to qp2p. both the rules r set as queues
i guess i spoke too soon, AON needs to be left on but the default lan to any doesnt need a gateway atleast
You will always need AON enabled due to changes in openvpn setup detailed by ermal.
That's a good result though. Did you have to add a route back in the client config?
no i didnt add any client config, all i did is add ur recommended command under advanced configuration in the client openvpn section which looks like this now
fast-io;route-delay 2;route-nopull;verb 5;tun-mtu 1500;mssfix 1450;fragment 1300;persist-key;
according to this thread http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,7361.0.html its not possible to shape traffic that goes inside a tunnel so the whole tunnel traffic needs to be sent to a single queue
That's only true for traffic in tunnel going through the pfSense box. Since the traffic destined for the VPN enters pfSense unencrypted it should be possible to shape it. Though I'm not sure quite how!
i just want to route the voip so i added 2 rules under floating tab one with direction out and selected source as any and destination as vpn subnet and other as traffic in, source vpn subnet and destination any and assigned the qvoip to both but only the in traffic goes to qvoip and the out still goes to qp2p. both the rules r set as queues
Probably the out rule is not catching traffic because the VOIP server is not in the VPN subnet. Though the IN rule is catching traffic. :-\
but if u see, the rule under lan that says lan to sip server should go through vpn gateway, pfsense catches that and send it to the proper gateway so basically its able to detect upload traffic so then y cant it just assign the proper queue.
any1 else have any idea on how to send vpn traffic to the proper queue as all i would be sending through the tunnel is voip only so might as well send all vpn to the voip quene entirely
Can you give some screen shots of your queue rules, firewall rules etc?
the rules on the floating tab are just queues
few more screenshots
the 2 rules on floating tab that say * to mysip and mysip to * were originally created when i wasnt using vpn and voip used to work directly through wan. after vpn, the only additional rule i created was under lan for UDP * to mysip using gateway expressvpn
Well this is definitely outside my experience now. ;)
However I think you need to disable the * to mysip rules on floating in order to make sure it's not them that are catching the inbound traffic and sending it to qvoip.Also I can't see how outbound traffic can possibly end up in qp2p when the only reference to it is for port 28183. :-\
well the 2 rules for mysip were made so traffic goes to qvoip, if i remove that then wont both up and down goto qp2p, we r trying here to send traffic tot he qvoip
It may well but at least that would tell us which rule is sending traffic to qvoip, mysip to * or VPN to *.
I still don't understand why any of that traffic would go to qp2p, is there a rule I'm missing?
Busily reading the chapter 16 of the definitive guide…..
attached r screenshots of the traffic shaper and i added the same queues under expressvpn interface which initially were not there, after doing so i see the voiptraffic going out of vpn under queue qvoip in lan and qvoip in expressvpn but all list in qp2p on wan under queues, i dont know if this is correct or no coz i think i have rules missing which would make the total traffic go out of qvoip on wan mayb because thats encrypted openvpn traffic, so could u tell me what rule to create for openvpnt raffic, i mean does it come under gre, udp or tcp or any specific ports?
Hmm, I think at this point I'm just guessing. My experience with traffic shaping is limited (pun intended!).
Now that you have setup an ExpressVPN connection and have routing correctly configured perhaps you should start a new thread in the traffic shaping sub-forum.
Informed guess work follows…
There is relatively little documentation about this and what there is mostly relates to 1.2.X (the definitive guide). It's worth thinking about what point in the chain the vpn encryption happens in combination with how the traffic shaper works with queues.
The inbound queue is working because that actually limits traffic as it leaves the LAN interface. At that point it is unencrypted VOIP traffic (UDP on whatever port you are using). However the outbound queue is liming traffic leaving the box which is encrypted TCP probably on port 1194. Further confusing matters is that this traffic leaves as an encrypted stream on WAN but it also leaves on ExpressVPN, is it encrypted at this point? :-
Since you have added rules on ExpressVPN which are catching traffic leaving that must provide a clue.
You must have some catch-all rule sending stuff to qp2p or is that the default queue?
Like I said guesswork! ::)Steve
the more confusing part is expressvpn interface is just openvpn which eventually comes under wan after all as the vpn is a virtual interface so i have no clue if we even need to enable queues under it.
after a lot of changing, testing, i figured out an easier way, this is what i did
- deleted the queues under expressvpn interface
- in floating tab created just 4 rules, 2 for in and 2 for out as follows as shown in screenshot coz what i figured is my openvpn is using udp to connect to expressvpn servers and i have set it to connect to just one of their closest servers and also im just sending VoIP traffic over vpn so y not simply put the encrypted vpn traffic in the qvoip as no other type of traffic will travel over the vpn
(ExpressVPN2 is just alias for the vpn server ip)
the reason y i use floating tab is if u want to put upload traffic to proper queues based on destination ip then rules need to goto floating tab with "Apply the action immediately on match" ticked
the other thing is vpn client interface under wan, if we create queues under that then wouldn't that mean queuing the same stuff twice?
I wish I could say I fully understand what's happening here, I don't!
I look forward to reading the traffic shaping chapter in the next definitive guide. ;)Steve