Paypal billing solution
Who can show me how to setup a paypal billingsystem in Pfsense 2.01.
Now im printing te voucher tickets and sell them at the desk.
Typically this functionality is done by a RADIUS server.
There is a (fairly) well developed solution for this in Daloradius. You'll have to do some tweaking and you'll have to setup a paypal sandbox account to debug it, but it does work well once that's all done. Only drawback is, Liran charges you a buck for the pdf file, lol.
I've tested this with pfsense and it works great, has anyone else used this software? pfSense is listed as a supported product on there site. Pretty cheap too.
Thx for the info
I've tested this with pfsense and it works great, has anyone else used this software? pfSense is listed as a supported product on there site. Pretty cheap too.
Can this run directly on my pfsense box or does it require a separate server?