Limiter error
also noticed with 6th nov snap that if u have a limiter and schedule set to none then it results in this config and doesnt limit anything
pipe 5 config bw 120Kb bw 0
Should be fixed on next snapshot.
Thank you for reporting it.
Should be fixed on next snapshot.
Thank you for reporting it.
tried the snap after the patch but still same, config shows as below and limiter doesnt limit with schedule set as none
pipe 5 config bw 120Kb bw 0 pipe 6 config bw 400Kb bw 0
You really should have a strange config.xml there.
I pushed another tuning to the code so test that out. -
@ermal: There is no '$found = true;' before breaking out of the foreach loop, leading to the additional 'bw 0'.
config seems all fine
<dnshaper><queue><name>ashishup</name> <number>5</number> <qlimit><plr><description><bandwidth><bw>120</bw> <bwscale>Kb</bwscale> <bwsched>none</bwsched></bandwidth> <bandwidthtype>Kb</bandwidthtype> <enabled>on</enabled> <buckets><mask>none</mask> <delay>0</delay></buckets></description></plr></qlimit></queue> <queue><name>ashishdown</name> <number>6</number> <qlimit><plr><description><bandwidth><bw>400</bw> <bwscale>Kb</bwscale> <bwsched>none</bwsched></bandwidth> <bandwidthtype>Kb</bandwidthtype> <enabled>on</enabled> <buckets><mask>none</mask> <delay>0</delay></buckets></description></plr></qlimit></queue></dnshaper>
even after the latest patch, the situation is same
Oh found the issue.
Thank you xbipin for the persistence. -
I had just made the same change to fix my system and was about to submit it. The fix Ermal has just committed is exactly what I did, and it is working.
/tmp/rules.limiter on a test system:
Before:pipe 1 config bw 64Kb bw 0 mask src-ip 0xffffffff pipe 3 config bw 16Kb bw 0 pipe 4 config bw 16Kb bw 0
pipe 1 config bw 64Kb mask src-ip 0xffffffff pipe 3 config bw 16Kb pipe 4 config bw 16Kb
works fine now, thanks ermal