UPnP support
Give me some credit. I did. I also tried disabling a re-enabling UPNP both before and after I reboot.
I can't smell that from here :-)
Anyhoo. I have updated all the files directly from my testbox where everything appears to work.
so that is pfsense-utils.inc, system.inc, rc.bootup and miniupnpd.
Perhaps the patches from RC2e affected this.
Also check with ps auxw|grep mini if it is actually running.
If the miniupnpd binary is not executable it will not start. -
I have an original Xbox i could probably send to you, but it's useless without an Xbox Live account (which you'd have to pay for). The 360, on the other hand, comes with basic Live functionality "for free" which would allow you to test fully. It even has a nice "live connectivity test" that will show you what it thinks about your router - if it can't establish UPnP port mappings properly the page will never show "open" for the router (and the Xbox will never be able to properly host a session).
Dead Rising is nearly worth the cost of a 360 by itself though. :D That + Project Gotham 3 + Halo 3 (coming eventually) are enough to push any moderate gamer into buying one. ;D
I'll get you a packet capture as soon as I can, and I'll update to the latest "release" first. What files have you changed since yesterday? I just installed yesterday and I don't see any point to overwriting everything if there are only 2 files I need.
Also, as a good-faith gesture, I'm going to send you $50 paypal now since we do have something working. Just want to insure you (and the rest of the site) that I'm not a deadbeat when it comes to bounties.
I can confirm that Utorrent and MSN do not like to talk too upnpd.
The author of that program is 2 weeks on vacation. So I'm not sure I can fix that quickly.
I am still wondering why something like azureus "just works" and other programs have issues.
I have just done a bid on a xbox with a couple of games for 75 euro closeby. That would help me at least.
And I have not played Halo 2 either :-) -
Poking at it some more found some issues. I now got utorrent opening a port and MSN attempting to open a port.
However MSN is trying to be witty and adds a port mapping, then it tries to see if that worked, then tries to map the port again and then removes the port mapping. Very weird.
It's a start though!
Thank you for donating, this will give me resolve to finish this at least and not run away at the halfway point because it is upnp after all.
Thank you for donating, this will give me resolve to finish this at least and not run away at the halfway point because it is upnp after all.
Seems to be coming along nicely, great work Seth!
UTorrent as you note now works. It actually worked before and then got broken somewhere along the way (when you updated to fix the serial number issue it seems). As well I noticed the little UPNP test program that I generall use now reports a complete success! Actually right now trying 3 different programs they all either work or report UPNP is working properly.
replace /etc/inc/system.inc with http://iserv.nl/files/pfsense/system.inc
replace /etc/inc/filter.inc with http://iserv.nl/files/pfsense/filter.inc
replace /usr/local/www/interfaces_lan.php with http://iserv.nl/files/pfsense/interfaces_lan.txt
replace /usr/local/www/interfaces_opt.php with http://iserv.nl/files/pfsense/interfaces_opt.txt
execute this command, fetch -o /usr/local/sbin/miniupnpd http://iserv.nl/files/pfsense/miniupnpd
execute this command, chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/miniupnpdenable it on the lan interface.
Check the sytem logs.
to make it startup on reboot
replace /etc/inc/pfsense-utils.inc with http://iserv.nl/files/pfsense/pfsense-utils.inc
replace /etc/inc/system.inc with http://iserv.nl/files/pfsense/system.inc
fetch -o /usr/local/sbin/miniupnpd http://iserv.nl/files/pfsense/miniupnpd
chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/miniupnpd
replace /etc/rc.bootup with http://iserv.nl/files/pfsense/rc.bootup.txt
This works for me.
Are these the instructions for installing this on the embedded platofrm? If not how do I go about doing it? I would like to test this out.
Perferably it would be nice if this was included in the base as packages since packages arn't supported on the embedded platform, which I know has been stated throughout this thread. I know that probably wouldn't happen for the 1.0 release as features aren't being added, but for the next release this would be a great addition.
Alot of the home network appliances that are coming out require upnp, and almost every off the shelf home router supports this. However stability and other functionality isn't there on these home routers. Also the nat reflection for upnp would be an added bouns.
Works on embedded or full installation.
/etc/rc.conf_mount_rw will force the CF RW so you can make these changes. Or use the edit file feature from diagnostics (and command prompt).
I have taken Seths great work and created a package under System -> Packages. If you are on a Full Installation then please try it out. Embedded users we will get to you in a bit, please hold the comments to yourself. Thanks!
I have taken Seths great work and created a package under System -> Packages. If you are on a Full Installation then please try it out. Embedded users we will get to you in a bit, please hold the comments to yourself. Thanks!
Thanks, I'll be waiting for it. Might just throw a hard drive in the ip330 so I can use the packages. I really appreciate all the work everybody has put into pfsense as a whole.
I have install the Package on the RC2f it works fine :) , but i become follow message in my logfile.
greatly work.
Aug 20 18:12:02 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:12:17 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:13:26 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:14:02 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:14:02 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:14:02 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:14:03 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:14:03 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:14:03 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:14:03 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:14:03 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:14:03 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:14:03 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:14:03 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:15:12 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:15:55 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:15:55 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:15:55 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:15:55 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:15:55 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:15:55 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:15:55 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:15:55 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:15:55 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:15:55 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:15:55 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:16:07 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:16:37 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:16:53 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:17:01 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:17:41 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:17:41 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:17:47 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:17:47 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:17:47 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:17:47 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:17:47 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:17:47 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:17:47 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:17:47 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:17:47 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:17:57 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:17:59 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:19:12 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:19:12 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:19:12 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:19:12 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:19:12 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:19:12 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:19:12 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:19:12 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:19:12 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:19:12 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:19:13 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:19:18 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:19:18 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:19:34 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:19:36 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:19:36 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:19:36 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:19:36 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:19:36 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:19:36 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:19:36 miniupnpd[679]: HTTP REQUEST : SUBSCRIBE /event/WANIPConnection (HTTP/1.1)
Aug 20 18:19:36 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:19:36 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 18:19:36 miniupnpd[679]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE -
What program is this?
EMULE with UPNP Support eMule-0.47a-Sion-v1.3-bin
When i start the software miniupnpd open the ports, but i see the message come continue any minuteAug 20 20:32:18 last message repeated 2418160 times
Aug 20 20:22:18 last message repeated 450066 times
Aug 20 20:20:17 miniupnpd[678]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBE
Aug 20 20:19:37 miniupnpd[678]: Unsupported HTTP Command SUBSCRIBEIf i quit the emule the port dont close.
upnp status.
Port Protocol Internal IP Description
tcp 4662 label "eMule (TCP Port) [TCP: 4662]" 4662
udp rfa label "eMule (UDP Port) [UDP: 4672]" 4672
udp 2160 label "eMule (SVR Port) [UDP: 2160]" 2160Azureus works fine.
I'm able to install the package, but it doesn't seem to work at all. Starting the service on the Service Status page doesn't seem to work either.
I'm on RC2e. I tried updating the RC2f on Scott's site, but I it totally destroyed my previous install so I had to reinstall from the RC2 iso. So I'm a little reluctant to try going to "f" again and causing the same problem…
Anyone else have it working with RC2e, or will it only work on RC2f??
You have to configure it first. Select the interface that it will run on in the settings.
If F screwed up your install you may want to figure out what the problem is because you will get bit later by RC3.
Please start a new thread with your RC2F issues.
Please start a new thread with your RC2F issues.
Actually I think it was because of the manual changes I had made to test miniupnpd initially…before it was a package. Because this time after my fresh install from RC2 with all the updates sequentially, it updated fine...
Now on the the miniupnpd issues. I install the package, and no errors are noted but it just doesn't work. There's no new options on any interfaces, and on the services status page miniupnpd shows as stopped, but it will not start...
Do I need to reboot first? Nothing is mentioned during the install, so I assume no...
Okay, sorry, maybe I spoke too soon. I reloaded the main page, then found the minupnpd addition under diagnostics…now I think it's working...
Still working on getting a tcpdump (libpcap-format) from the 360 for you. Just realized that I don't have any more ethernet hubs at home so I have to steal one from work tomorrow. :)
I did update miniupnpd to your latest version and I'm still getting output like this:
Aug 21 02:15:12 miniupnpd[95978]: Unknown udp packet received from Aug 21 02:15:12 miniupnpd[95978]: Unknown udp packet received from Aug 21 02:15:12 miniupnpd[95978]: Unknown udp packet received from Aug 21 02:15:12 miniupnpd[95978]: Unknown udp packet received from Aug 21 02:15:12 last message repeated 9 times
This is what I see when I first turn it on. Unknown packets, but nothing else.
The 360 has a section to test your router/connectivity (to insure that UPnP is working and it can map the ports it needs) and that's when I see all of this below:Aug 21 02:16:02 miniupnpd[95978]: ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1 Aug 21 02:16:02 miniupnpd[95978]: SSDP M-SEARCH packet received from Aug 21 02:16:02 miniupnpd[95978]: ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1 Aug 21 02:16:02 miniupnpd[95978]: SSDP M-SEARCH packet received from Aug 21 02:16:02 miniupnpd[95978]: ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1 Aug 21 02:16:02 miniupnpd[95978]: SSDP M-SEARCH packet received from Aug 21 02:16:02 miniupnpd[95978]: ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1 Aug 21 02:16:02 miniupnpd[95978]: SSDP M-SEARCH packet received from Aug 21 02:16:03 miniupnpd[95978]: ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1 Aug 21 02:16:03 miniupnpd[95978]: SSDP M-SEARCH packet received from Aug 21 02:16:03 miniupnpd[95978]: ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1 Aug 21 02:16:03 miniupnpd[95978]: SSDP M-SEARCH packet received from Aug 21 02:15:12 last message repeated 9 times
I did get a capture of the initial SSDP broadcasts from the 360 but I don't know if it is switching over to a unicast after the initial discovery, which is why I want to get you a better dump with a hub in the middle.
Here's what it does first:M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1 Host: Man: "ssdp:discover" MX: 2 ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1
Then immediately afterward (within a few microseconds):```
Man: "ssdp:discover"
MX: 2
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1Only difference is service type (PPP or IP Connection). It then fires a DNS query for "xeas.xboxlive.com". My DNS server replies (I've got a Win2k3 DC on the LAN doing DNS). AFter that it fires off the same pair of multicasted SSDP queries, two more times (it goes IP,PPP,IP,PPP). It resolves the same name in DNS a second time, and then the test completes and informs me that my router is "strict". A working UPNP router returns as "Open." I should be able to get you bidirectional captures from a working system (360 to a Linksys router that supports UPnP) as well as the pfsense box so you can compare and see what's different. I just need to get a hub over here.