How to Captive Portal Self Registration Using Free radius & Mysql (Tutorial)
Well I THOUGHT it was working …
User cannot log inerror message from the portal
Your Email & Password Doesnot Match. If you Dont Have Any please Register
If you think This is an Error Of This System Please Contact Us.
This is right after the user creates himself through registration.
Peeking at the database the information (including the password is there)BTW phpmyadmin is NOT installed as was indicated used webmin
If you attempt to re register it tells you that you already have a account under the username
message is : You are already registered. with <what ever="" the="" name="" user="" registered="" with="">Hellp :'(</what>
Well I THOUGHT it was working …
User cannot log inerror message from the portal
Your Email & Password Doesnot Match. If you Dont Have Any please Register
If you think This is an Error Of This System Please Contact Us.
This is right after the user creates himself through registration.
Peeking at the database the information (including the password is there)What is your log in system in portal auth log?
anyway i just test it to selfregistration didnt checked full functionality. please adjust the shared secret in free radius nas & captive portal page.BTW phpmyadmin is NOT installed as was indicated used webmin
of course i have installed phpmyadmin. after your comment i have dloaded from google drive and checked again.
If you attempt to re register it tells you that you already have a account under the username
message is : You are already registered. with<what ever="" the="" name="" user="" registered="" with=""></what>
i have designed this pages for a hotspot solution. so i add some mac based security, like a client with a mac can only register 1 account. if u want to create multiple account change ur mac address. or delete previous account from sqlserver via phpmyadmin
did Anybody got this tutorial helpful? bcos i have seen more then 10 download of my cp pages. only 2 of them replied.
HI khan..
tried your Vmware image. I can not get it work for me.. the virtualimage works and all but the root partion in not set at drive position 0 (ad0s1a) in pfsense but at the 3rd disk (ad3s1a). and your ovf is incompatible. i tried with a couple virtual machine always the same error non compliant ovf. even tried it in Vmplayer same difference…. and when I force it to boot ad0s1a ( with the mountroot> ufs:/dev/ad0s1a ) in other virtual machines. pfsense is all broken.. and/or vmware server just make it really incompatible with anything other then itself..I even open it up in live boot BSD (frenzy) and edited as much as could but it still refuses to work for me
perhaps if you like to to make a vm appliance with virtualbox or simular
perhaps if you like to to make a vm appliance with virtualbox or simular
ok i am creating a oracle virtual box image. need some time.
Thnx! I would like to test with a virtualbox image!
ไม่มีใช้กับ captive portal บ้างเหรอครับ ทำไมมีแต่ free radius
Sorry for delayed reply.
I have uploaded file for virtual machine created with oracle virtual box. Double checked. rar file with recovery record.
first network adapter is WAN ( subnet) change as your requirement.
2nd network adapter is LAN ( subnet)Webgui:
Username: admin
Password: pfsensephpmyadmin:
Username: root
Password: pfsenseCaptiveportal
Mac based security is enable. so if u need multiple account from one mac please login to phpmyadmin change mac value in reg_user table first.
I am writing a step by step "how to ". but need some time.
anyway post your comment. -
yes and be running
I'm testing with the virtualbox image but I get exactly the same message as Thenomand:
_Your Email & Password Doesnot Match. If you Dont Have Any please Register
If you think This is an Error Of This System Please Contact Us._
This is also right after the user creates himself through registration.
Peeking at the database the information (including the password is there)If you attempt to re register it tells you that you already have a account under the username
message is : You are already registered. with <what ever="" the="" name="" user="" registered="" with="">Anyone how to solve this?</what>
After replacing for @ radius settings by captive portal and nas /client en interface settings by FreeRadius it works!
Is there any solution that multiple users can register from one PC without changing the mac address in DirectAdmin?
I have tested your config in vmware 9 environment with 2.0.2-RELEASE (i386). what i did
1. installed pfsense.
2. installed mysql & vhost according to your post.
3. installed php52-mysql as i mentioned before.
4. installed free radius2.
5. config them all
6. uploaded all the captive portal file.but everything seems ok for me. i can register & data also available in database.
if u are interested i can upload the vmware image.
sorry to mention before….. i file (main css "bootrtrap.min.css") missing in my captiveportal file list, for which design was not perfect. added in this post.
can any moderator would be kind to attach this file in my main post please??
Hi! Please help us with the vmware image to test..Thanks Harsh
After replacing for @ radius settings by captive portal and nas /client en interface settings by FreeRadius it works!
Is there any solution that multiple users can register from one PC without changing the mac address in DirectAdmin?
sure edit captiveportal-cp_reg_suc.php remove mac chek code.
Hi! Please help us with the vmware image to test..Thanks Harsh
ok need some time.
Is there any solution that multiple users can register from one PC without changing the mac address in DirectAdmin?
sure edit captiveportal-cp_reg_suc.php remove mac chek code.
It would be better to change the mac-check to mail-check since this will help many users register from the same machine, but with one mail ID per single user. This will prevent multi-registrations from the same mail ID.
I have done this with pfSense 2.1 beta1 and it works well.
I am trying to get the hostname also collected through the registration page. But this does not work as expected.
Also, is it possible to ask users to register and send the login-password to them through the e-mail ID collected.
Khan, could you help please?
Thanks for your time.
please help
after step 1, is the packages are installed via the WebGUI? Which packages?
why when I execute step 2 /etc/rc.php_ini_setup with Shell Execute command, WebGUI in my browser not stop loading (does not produce anything)?thank's
I just get this working !! It can register users, there seems to be no problem with it.
@khan you were right about the writing privileges that you mentioned on the first page. After I gave every permission to 'radius' user vi phpMyAdmin everything worked like a charm :)
@afry it is bit tricky to install everything. Can you check this post i think it can help you :),62456.msg344907.html#msg344907 -
Thank you very much for your tutorial.
Got it working. Still missing some functionality but I guess I have to read the correct manuals.
a question for example:
How do you see who is online, and how to disable or throw them out? -
I can´t figure out how to access phpmyadmin so i can proceed with step 2 "add for sql support"
probably a silly question but how can i -
Hi EveryOne,
Thanks to Khan,
I'm very much new to pfSense.
But I've Experimented your VMImage.
The Following Feature I've Implemented in Captive Portal.
1. Self Registration By User, The User Id is user's Mobile No.
2. System Generates the Password & Send to Registered Mobile No as SMS.( I prefer to use Mobile No as User may not be able to access Email).I request to all for the guidance to implement following feature:
1. How the Validity of the Password can be Control.
2. System Logout Popup Window is not Open.
3. can Both Voucher & Radius Authentication Implemented at a time.
4. Is there any process to send user the Voucher No.
5. Is there any process to extend the validity of voucher/password.Thanks in advance.
Prakash -
Hi! Khan
Thanks for your wonderful work which I was looking for a long time to add into my pfsense machine which I am using for providing Internet access to students in university. I ll really appreciate if you can help me with the working VMware image to enable me to test the same.
Harsh -
Hi Khan,
Tnx for your How to .. It workd perfectly on VM pfsense 2.1 with external sql from WAMP package. I just added some previlages to radius user to be able to write the whole sql, also replace email as login with username as login. I would like to add some time limit and session timout for this users how can i add it to the sql in order to successfully get accounting.