To show Mac & Ip Address in Captive portal Page (tutorial)
// GEt ip address
$macaddr=false;// Run arp request
$arp=arp $ipaddress
// breaks arp & get mac from it
$lines = explode(" ", $arp);
$macaddr = $lines[3];// Display Mac & IP address
echo $macaddr;echo $ipaddress;
What command can I use to show hostname?
I saw
$hostname = gethostbyaddr($ipaddress);
mentioned somewhere, but it does not appear to work.pfSense 2.1 beta 1 amd64
I am afraid I should have made the question more specific.
I was referring to the context of displaying hostname in PHP,
khan had posted how to display ipaddress and macaddress using php script.
I wanted hostname also to be displayed in the above process.
Does arp explode give a hostname in the output? If so how to retrieve it?
Thanks for your time.
Did you try using the captive portal function instead of your own callout to arp?
In /usr/local/captiveportal/index.php I see:
$clientip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$clientmac = arp_get_mac_by_ip($clientip);That function is in /etc/inc/ It does things like try to ping $clientip first to repopulate the arp table if necessary and check the result with is_macaddr().