Snort and Interface Enable/Disable
- The stream5 preprocessor also had a bug I fixed where it did not properly recognize the max_segs and max_queued bytes parameters. I also added a new configuration parameter for memcap in stream5. These have stopped all the log errors on big file downloads saying "…session pruned that exceeded max queued bytes...", etc.
Oh how I have been sooo waiting for this, :)
I believe I also see the errors in the current package that are causing disabled rules to get enabled again. Basically the "disablesid" functionality is not getting called during rule updates. I will look at fixing that while I'm working on my other updates.
This is the one thing pissing me off big time! :D
Truly amazing. If you need any help testing anything or implementing any changes, let me know. We have 2 systems here, and getting this up and running really would simplify so many matters on our end. Hopefully the moderators pick this up!
Would be good if one could tag Ermal in this topic…. :)
Truly amazing. If you need any help testing anything or implementing any changes, let me know. We have 2 systems here, and getting this up and running really would simplify so many matters on our end. Hopefully the moderators pick this up!
Thanks. I use pfSense in a home network environment. I'm testing using a VMware virtual machine. So far I've tested only on 32-bit code. I suspect my changes will work fine on 64-bit, but I want to create a 64-bit VM to test with as well.
I have two pieces still in progress: (1) implementing the pre-defined IDS policies, and (2) a more robust enablesid and disablesid functionality that survives rule updates. I work on my changes during the evenings when I'm home. Hopefully I can have test files ready to post by this weekend.
bmeeks, thanks for your very promising work.
Would be good if one could tag Ermal in this topic….
It seems to me that Snort is a complex piece of software that requires one to have a certain amount hands-on-experience with IDS, in order to create a fully functional pfsense package.
Apparently a new binary will be nice, because is going EoL soon.
Snort Version Released EOL
Snort 2012-05-16 2013-02-28
Snort 2012-08-12 TBD**
Snort 2012-11-30 TBD** -
Snort is indeed a bit complex and somewhat sensitive to the settings in the snort.conf file (no big surprise there ;) )
I am quite close to being finished with my modifications and updates. Here is a screenshot of some of the new features that are working. I have corresponded with the Forum admins, and the recommended course of action for posting my code is via Github and then executing a Pull Request for Ermal or others on the pfSense team to evaluate. So I will not post modified PHP files directly to the forum, but will instead have them available on my fork of the Github pfsense-packages repository. I will post a link back here when things are posted.
Are there any particular settings for the HTTP_Inspect or Stream5 preprocessors that anyone would like to have GUI configuration parameters available for? Below you can see what will be available (if my submissions are accepted by the pfSense team).
New Preprocessors tab showing additional settings

Here is another screenshot of the new Categories tab showing the features I've added for IPS Policy selection and automatic flowbit resolution for selected rules.
New Categories tab (partial)

Last post for this evening…
For those of you that use the enablesid and disablesid feature in the Snort package, I've found some potential big bugs with its implementation in the current code base. In particular, it can't cope with multi-line rules. These are rules with a backslash ("") at the end of the line followed by a newline to signal continuation onto the next line. There are a handful of these multi-line rules in the rule sets from Emerging Threats and the Snort VRT. The current code just assumes any newline indicates the end of a rule when reading a rules file. Obviously with multi-line rules this is a mistake.
This bug, combined with the way the old code physically wrote back to disk a modified version of the rules file when enablesid or disablesid was used, risks writing a corrupt rules file when the original contains any multi-line rules.
My new procedure for handling enablesid and disablesid will fix this potential bug. I'm including the capability to "reset to defaults" any rules you may have previously disabled or enabled. The "reset to defaults" feature will return all the rules in a particular category to their default state, effectively wiping the slate clean of any modifications you previously made.
Of course I'm also adding the necessary hooks to ensure that any disablesid or enablesid customizations are preserved across rule updates... ;D
Is it possible that this could go into 2.0.3 as well??
Since current Snort package EOL??
Pls. push Jim and Ermal for this if you can!
Is it possible that this could go into 2.0.3 as well??
Since current Snort package EOL??
My changes are entirely contained within the handful of *.PHP files that comprise the GUI piece of the Snort package. They require no changes to the Snort binary nor to the underlying pfSense code in order to work, so assuming my changes are accepted by the pfSense team, a new Snort package (say v2.5.3) could be posted in the repository. It would work with 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2 or even a 2.0.3 pfSense installation.
I don't have a Snort binary (for FreeBSD) to test with, but I'm pretty confident my changes will work fine with the latest Snort binary. I've reviewed the docs and see nothing that should be a problem in terms of configuration changes.
So basically we need to compile a new package for Pfsense?
So basically we need to compile a new package for Pfsense?
Yeah, that's essentially correct. Although, for someone with quite moderate "geek" skills, my updated files can be copied to an existing pfSense installation and used without recompiling anything. The Snort package itself on pfSense consists of essentially three parts: (1) the Snort binary module, (2) some support libraries for the binary module, and (3) a collection of PHP files that comprise the GUI. Really all the GUI for Snort does is peform the function of creating the snort.conf file. The snort.conf file is where all the configuration information lives for the Snort binary.
My updates and new features for Snort are really just additions and corrections to the PHP code that runs the GUI and builds the snort.conf file. So to use my updated files, you just copy them to the two sub-directories where the Snort PHP stuff resides and then everything just works. No reboot, and no compiling. Of course a rudimentary level of "geek skill" is required to copy over the files. This can be as simple as knowing how to use WinSCP, for instance… :)
The point of a formal package update would be to make the overall installation simple (just click the icon in the Packages tab). Now updating to the latest version of the Snort binary will require compiling the underlying package. However, a new binary is not necessary to start taking advantage of the changes I've made.
If the current package is seeing EOL anyway, then I suggest writing to Ermal or Jim to get them to compile it before it goes EOL.
If the current package is seeing EOL anyway, then I suggest writing to Ermal or Jim to get them to compile it before it goes EOL.
Pushing for an update to the latest 2.9.4.x Snort binary is my plan. I should finish my PHP code tweaks and have everything posted later today or by the end of the weekend to Github. I will then create the Pull Request to signal Ermal and others on the pfSense team to take a look at my changes.
Damn nice mate!! The world would be a fecking nice place to be if populated by folks like you :)
Here is a link to the Github Pull Request that has the code changes I am proposing for the Snort package.
The Pull Request has a change log highlighting the major modifications. It also has the modified files with the changes highlighted. Should any of you want to test on your own system, contact me via PM and I can provide the files and instructions for using them. I recommend that any testing be done initially on non-production systems. I have been running the changes on two different pfSense VMs in VMware with no issues.
Here is a link to the Github Pull Request that has the code changes I am proposing for the Snort package.
This pic says its all :)
This pic says its all :)
Yeah, the Github summary shows each and every changed or deleted line. Sort of makes it look like more work than it really is.
I would like to recruit a few testers willing to give the changes a shake down in a non-production environment. The changes are super easy to back out if something causes a problem. To implement the changes, you just copy a few files to two folders after renaming the existing target files (to have as backups). No reboot necessary. To back out, just copy the renamed previously existing files (the backups) over top of the new files.