Filter porn, virus's and ads with squid3, HAVP, Dansguardian and privoxy.
What is your recommended configuration?
What is your recommended configuratio?
User -> dansguardian -> squid -> internet
(With clamav) -
Any good documentation on just using Squid and Dansguardian or point me to the best thread because everything I have tried fails.
Any good documentation on just using Squid and Dansguardian or point me to the best thread because everything I have tried fails.
Did you tried this?
Installing the Dansguardian package in PFSense - One user's experience
Did you tried this?
Installing the Dansguardian package in PFSense - One user's experience
Thank you, I figured out what was wrong … :-)
Now to figure out anti-virus.
Now to figure out anti-virus.
just select clamdscan on system -> dansguardian -> general and save config
Now to figure out anti-virus.
just select clamdscan on system -> dansguardian -> general and save config
I did just that but then Danguardian pops up with a message stating it is blocking the site because it can not scan it, Categories: Content scan. What else needs to be done; do I also need to disable a categories filter?
Force a frashclam update on console and then restart dansguardian(or save config)
Force a frashclam update on console and then restart dansguardian(or save config)
Did that, same response - website blocked, unable to scan content…
In addition, if I turn on clamdscan, and then turn it off because it is not working properly yet, I have to reboot the box for internet connectivity to be restored.
Should I try to enable it and reboot?
Are you on latest dansguardian package version?
I see other people have had this problem, but nothing sticks out yet.
I tried doing this and the download was successful, however, the deny page for Cisco is still displayed when clamdscan is activated.,52163.0.html
Problem resolved…
I made a change thinking that was the problem for something else but it wasn't and caused a problem with clamdscan working properly. Now everything is working.
Hi all,
I followed this, and got it to work, but found that things eventually slowed to a crawl. I think my box may be under powered, but for me, blocking Ads network wide would be enough.
Can privoxy work standalone? I get an error in my browser when I try to NAT directly to 8118 :
invalid header received from client
Privoxy is listening on localhost:8118
I would appreciate any tips.
Did you tried only dansguarguardian (with clamav enabled) + squid?
No I didn't - I thought privoxy would be more light weight, if I only need to block ads…
You are having issues using only privoxy?
Sorry for the delay in my reply.
Yes, I was receiving an error message for every page I tried to browse when I pointed the NAT rule directly to port 8118 (Privoxy):
"invalid header received from client"
I finally installed Squid3 again, and set 8118 as the parent. I still wasn't having any luck until I changed Squid to transparent mode and eliminated the NAT rule to 8118.
Now things seem to be working, but I'm running Squid when I don't think I should need to for a Privoxy only setup.
I get the following error when trying to start privoxy:
Starting privoxy.
/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required by "privoxy"Has anyone else had this? What did you do to resolve the issue?