Captive Portal custom HTML/PHP - need some help with scripting on pfSense
hi there
We want to use the Captive Portal to request guest Internet users at our hotel to give us their name, email etc for marketing purposes. Our web/PHP developer is unfamiliar with pfSense and we are having some trouble getting the custom pages to work.
We are not using Authentication or Vouchers in Captive Portal, just some minimal validation on 3 fields of data that we request the user to complete before they click on Submit on the portal page.
We are going to store the data on a remote/external web server. The php script coded on pfSense will either need to communicate with a remote MySQL server, or the captive portal "login" page FORM ACTION will point to an external script.
I'm estimating this will take approx 1 to 2 hours, if communications between us can be managed efficiently. I'm willing to put a bounty of $150 on it at the moment. If an expert reviews what we have so far and can justify a need to spend more time to get it working then we are open to discussion.
Thanks -
this offer is withdrawn. New bounty offer posted