Since a few day's losing the wan (dhcp) ip address
I did notice that indeed chaning did not make any difference. Still loosing my IP adres after roughly 3 - 4 hours.
The only clue I have is that in the logging I see that: rc.newwanip is triggered or triggering something. No idea yet where this comes from or what it does. Have not checked any inner workings of pfsense yet
I'm still running into same issues. is there any additional logging I can provide to help address the issue?
I'll try to scare up more details, but I was having this same problem on 2.0.2, so I went ahead and moved to a 2.1 BETA to see if it helped. No real improvement. For a while I could get the WAN IP back by release/renew in the Status->Interfaces page.
Since it just started happening all of a sudden I've been assuming it was something external to pfSense. I went ahead and swapped out my cablemodem since Comcast has been warning me that it needed to be done anyway since my old one was not DOCSIS 3.0.
No change there, so swapped in a new USB Ethernet adaptor (SiiG) and still no change. New ethernet cable too.
It's been stable for a bit now, but I still don't trust it. Only thing that seems to be at all different now is that I killed by Bittorrent client (only had a single torrent running, nothing excessive). I'll try bringing it back up later if things seem stable and see what happens. Also just updated to the latest snapshot.
The is running on a 1.6GHz Ion, booting from USB (NanoBSD image).
If it comes back, I will return with logs and such.
I've tested with two different modems as well with no improvement. 2.0.1 had no issues, and early versions of the 2.1 beta were reliable for me as well.
No luck, died again. Couldn't even get it back with release/renew in the GUI.
Feb 26 23:19:36 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to UP Feb 26 23:19:37 gw php: : DEVD Ethernet detached event for wan Feb 26 23:19:37 gw dhclient[39419]: connection closed Feb 26 23:19:37 gw dhclient[39419]: exiting. Feb 26 23:19:37 gw php: : The command '/sbin/dhclient -c /var/etc/dhclient_wan.conf ue0 > /tmp/ue0_output 2> /tmp/ue0_error_output' returned exit code '15', the output was '' Feb 26 23:19:39 gw php: : DEVD Ethernet attached event for wan Feb 26 23:19:39 gw php: : HOTPLUG: Configuring interface wan Feb 26 23:19:39 gw dhclient: PREINIT Feb 26 23:19:39 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to DOWN Feb 26 23:19:39 gw check_reload_status: Linkup starting ue0 Feb 26 23:19:39 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to DOWN Feb 26 23:19:39 gw dhclient: Starting delete_old_states() Feb 26 23:19:39 gw dhclient: Comparing IPs: Old: New: Feb 26 23:19:39 gw dhclient: Comparing Routers: Old: New: Feb 26 23:19:39 gw dhclient[56796]: DHCPREQUEST on ue0 to port 67 Feb 26 23:19:40 gw dhclient[56796]: DHCPREQUEST on ue0 to port 67 Feb 26 23:19:41 gw dhclient[56796]: DHCPREQUEST on ue0 to port 67 Feb 26 23:19:41 gw check_reload_status: Linkup starting ue0 Feb 26 23:19:41 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to UP Feb 26 23:19:42 gw php: : DEVD Ethernet detached event for wan Feb 26 23:19:42 gw dhclient[56945]: connection closed Feb 26 23:19:42 gw dhclient[56945]: exiting. Feb 26 23:19:42 gw php: : The command '/sbin/dhclient -c /var/etc/dhclient_wan.conf ue0 > /tmp/ue0_output 2> /tmp/ue0_error_output' returned exit code '15', the output was '' Feb 26 23:19:44 gw php: : DEVD Ethernet attached event for wan Feb 26 23:19:44 gw php: : HOTPLUG: Configuring interface wan Feb 26 23:19:44 gw dhclient: PREINIT Feb 26 23:19:44 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to DOWN Feb 26 23:19:44 gw check_reload_status: Linkup starting ue0 Feb 26 23:19:44 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to DOWN Feb 26 23:19:44 gw dhclient: Starting delete_old_states() Feb 26 23:19:44 gw dhclient: Comparing IPs: Old: New: Feb 26 23:19:44 gw dhclient: Comparing Routers: Old: New: Feb 26 23:19:44 gw dhclient[68249]: DHCPREQUEST on ue0 to port 67 Feb 26 23:19:46 gw dhclient[68249]: DHCPREQUEST on ue0 to port 67 Feb 26 23:19:46 gw check_reload_status: Linkup starting ue0 Feb 26 23:19:46 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to UP Feb 26 23:19:47 gw php: : DEVD Ethernet detached event for wan Feb 26 23:19:47 gw dhclient[68398]: connection closed Feb 26 23:19:47 gw dhclient[68398]: exiting. Feb 26 23:19:47 gw php: : The command '/sbin/dhclient -c /var/etc/dhclient_wan.conf ue0 > /tmp/ue0_output 2> /tmp/ue0_error_output' returned exit code '15', the output was '' Feb 26 23:19:49 gw php: : DEVD Ethernet attached event for wan Feb 26 23:19:49 gw php: : HOTPLUG: Configuring interface wan Feb 26 23:19:49 gw dhclient: PREINIT Feb 26 23:19:49 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to DOWN Feb 26 23:19:49 gw dhclient: Starting delete_old_states() Feb 26 23:19:49 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to DOWN Feb 26 23:19:49 gw dhclient: Comparing IPs: Old: New: Feb 26 23:19:49 gw check_reload_status: Linkup starting ue0 Feb 26 23:19:49 gw dhclient: Comparing Routers: Old: New: Feb 26 23:19:49 gw dhclient[72692]: DHCPREQUEST on ue0 to port 67 Feb 26 23:19:50 gw dhclient[72692]: DHCPREQUEST on ue0 to port 67 Feb 26 23:19:51 gw check_reload_status: Linkup starting ue0 Feb 26 23:19:51 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to UP
Going off now to try and downgrade to 2.0.1. Any pointers to where to find it for download still?
some of the mirrors keep the old versions….
let me know how it works out for you.
Thanks! That had it. Wasn't able to downgrade via the GUI, so off to yank the USB stick and re-image it.
Update: Doesn't look like this is a 2.1 issue, unless it's something in the 2.1 config file.
I did a clean re-install of 2.0.1 and restored my config file (taken from the 2.1 instance). Same problem still occurring. Guess I'm in the wrong sub forum at this point :(
Back to the drawing board…
I've been having this problem since January. I found that if I pull out the ethernet cable and replug it back in, it'll start working again for a while.
It's been getting worse recently. Thought it was my DSL or Clearwire, but bypassing the FW proved they were fine.
I thought it might be my USB ethernet adapters. (Since my box only has one ethernet port, I have to use USB for WAN and OPT1.) But other brands of USB ethernet also failed.
After reading this thread, I went back to 2.0.2, but forgot that my ethernet card isn't supported in FreeBSD 8.1, so I tried the 2.1 beta disc I made back on Nov 29th, and things seem very stable at the moment. – I started fresh with minimal configuration/tweaking and have not upgraded.
I did have an AMD proc and powernow settings enabled. In retrospect, I should've tested that, or some of the other advanced ethernet settings...
Update: Stable overnite running on 2.0.1. Will continue to monitor.
I have the same problem my work around is creating a script which pings google and if packet lost my network card restartscopy and save this file in the root home directory called
#!/usr/bin/env bash #/usr/local/bin/network_check # Script to monitor and restart network card maxPloss=10 #Maximum percent packet loss before a restart restart_networking() { # Add any commands need to get network back up and running sh /root/ } # First make sure we can resolve google, otherwise 'ping -w' would hang if ! $(host -W5 > /dev/null 2>&1); then #Make a note in syslog logger "network_check: Network connection is down, restarting network ..." restart_networking exit fi # Initialize to a value that would force a restart # (just in case ping gives an error and ploss doesn't get set) ploss=101 # now ping google for 10 seconds and count packet loss ploss=$(ping -q -w10 | grep -o "[0-9]*%" | tr -d %) > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$ploss" -gt "$maxPloss" ]; then logger "Packet loss ($ploss%) exceeded $maxPloss, restarting network ..." restart_networking fi
This code will restart Wan if ping loses packets. change de1 to your wan interface
name this file wan.shifconfig de1 down sleep 5 ifconfig de1 up dhclient de1
change the attriputes (Chmod) to 777 on both files
and setup cron job to check the wan interface every 30 min
30 0 * * * root /root/wan_check.shNote I had to make the folowing change because running under Hyper-v. Change Speed and duplex to "100 base tx full duplex" this located under interface–> WAN
What do you all have powerd set to?
Mine seems to fail when powerd is checked. But that could be just coincidence… (Looking for patterns.)
mine is unchecked (off)
So, I updated from 2012-11-29 to today and the problem returned.
However, reconfiguring from scratch, I made the WAN & OPT IP's static, and it seems stable. (Though static means I have to NAT again through the modems.)
Do you guys have OpenVPN configured (but perhaps not used) by any chance? I'm starting to think that this may have started for me about the time I started messing with OpenVPN (I got interested when the IOS OpenVPN App came out). I came across a post here somewhere that seemed to correlate one of the various error messages with OpenVPN.
I just whacked the OpenVPN config on my system to see if it stabilizes at all. We'll see what happens.
I do have openvpn configured. I use it for my tablet when I'm away from home.
I just did a 100% clean install of 2.1. Didn't bring in any old config, just configured a handfull of NATs that I need. No VPN, etc. We'll see how this one goes…
At least I seem to be moving the ball around… (Oh, my apologies for spreading this around to multiple areas of the support forum. Since I'm now on 2.1, I'll try and put things here and redirect the others to here. Bad forum behavior, I know - sorry!)
Fresh, clean, no-legacy install of 2.1 -- still fails, but failed differently this time.
Feb 28 23:26:00 gw check_reload_status: Linkup starting ue0 Feb 28 23:26:00 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to DOWN Feb 28 23:26:00 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to UP Feb 28 23:26:01 gw check_reload_status: Linkup starting ue0 Feb 28 23:26:03 gw php: : DEVD Ethernet detached event for wan Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient[52833]: connection closed Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient[52833]: exiting. Feb 28 23:26:03 gw php: : DEVD Ethernet attached event for wan Feb 28 23:26:03 gw php: : HOTPLUG: Configuring interface wan Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: PREINIT Feb 28 23:26:03 gw kernel: arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo for Feb 28 23:26:03 gw kernel: arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo for Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: Starting delete_old_states() Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: Comparing IPs: Old: New: Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: Comparing Routers: Old: New: Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient[68325]: DHCPREQUEST on ue0 to port 67 Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient[68325]: DHCPACK from Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: REBOOT Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: Starting delete_old_states() Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: Comparing IPs: Old: New: Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: Comparing Routers: Old: New: Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: Removing states through old gateway '' (new gateway '') Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: Starting add_new_address() Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: ifconfig ue0 inet netmask broadcast Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: New IP Address (ue0): Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: New Subnet Mask (ue0): Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: New Broadcast Address (ue0): Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: New Routers (ue0): Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: Adding new routes to interface: ue0 Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: /sbin/route add default Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient: Creating resolv.conf Feb 28 23:26:03 gw check_reload_status: rc.newwanip starting ue0 Feb 28 23:26:03 gw dhclient[68325]: bound to -- renewal in 163608 seconds. Feb 28 23:26:04 gw php: : Clearing states to old gateway Feb 28 23:26:06 gw php: : rc.newwanip: Informational is starting ue0. Feb 28 23:26:06 gw php: : rc.newwanip: on (IP address: ) (interface: wan) (real interface: ue0). Feb 28 23:26:06 gw php: : rc.newwanip: Failed to update wan IP, restarting… Feb 28 23:26:06 gw check_reload_status: Configuring interface wan Feb 28 23:26:08 gw dhclient[78874]: dhclient already running, pid: 76098. Feb 28 23:26:08 gw dhclient[78874]: exiting. Feb 28 23:26:08 gw php: : The command '/sbin/dhclient -c /var/etc/dhclient_wan.conf ue0 > /tmp/ue0_output 2> /tmp/ue0_error_output' returned exit code '1', the output was '' Feb 28 23:26:22 gw check_reload_status: Updating all dyndns Feb 28 23:26:22 gw check_reload_status: Restarting ipsec tunnels Feb 28 23:26:22 gw check_reload_status: Restarting OpenVPN tunnels/interfaces Feb 28 23:26:22 gw check_reload_status: Reloading filter Feb 28 23:26:25 gw php: : DynDns: updatedns() starting Feb 28 23:26:25 gw php: : DynDNS ( running get_failover_interface for wan. found ue0 Feb 28 23:26:25 gw php: : DynDNS ( There was an error trying to determine the public IP for interface - wan(ue0). Probably interface is not a WAN interface. Feb 28 23:26:25 gw php: : Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Feb 28 23:26:25 gw php: : Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Feb 28 23:26:25 gw php: : Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Feb 28 23:26:25 gw php: : Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Feb 28 23:26:25 gw php: : Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Feb 28 23:26:26 gw php: : DynDns: updatedns() starting Feb 28 23:26:26 gw php: : DynDNS ( running get_failover_interface for wan. found ue0 Feb 28 23:26:26 gw php: : DynDNS ( There was an error trying to determine the public IP for interface - wan(ue0). Probably interface is not a WAN interface.
Files as they looked before release/renew:
[2.1-BETA1][]/root(7): cat /tmp/ue0* fe80::201:5cff:fe22:1281 dhclient already running, pid: 76098. exiting. [2.1-BETA1][]/var/etc(13): cat dhclient_wan.conf interface "ue0" { timeout 60; retry 15; select-timeout 0; initial-interval 1; script "/sbin/dhclient-script"; }
No significant DHCP traffic on tcpdump at this time on the WAN interface (filtering on port 67). Removing the filter, I saw normal looking arp traffic.
tcpdump while doing release/renew (at least that works again to restore service!) produced minimal output, but it looks reasonable to me:
23:32:43.335315 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 16, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 328) > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 00:50:b6:59:70:f5 (oui Unknown), length 300, xid 0xba01a458, Flags [none] (0x0000) Client-Ethernet-Address 00:50:b6:59:70:f5 (oui Unknown) [|bootp] 23:32:43.354619 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 60020, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 338) > BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length 310, hops 1, xid 0xba01a458, Flags [none] (0x0000) Your-IP Gateway-IP Client-Ethernet-Address 00:50:b6:59:70:f5 (oui Unknown) [|bootp]
And again the post-renew output from the various dhcp files:
[2.1-BETA1][]/var/etc(18): cat /tmp/ue0* fe80::201:5cff:fe22:1281 dhclient: PREINIT dhclient: Starting delete_old_states() OLD_IP: not found dhclient: Comparing IPs: Old: New: dhclient: Comparing Routers: Old: New: DHCPREQUEST on ue0 to port 67 DHCPACK from bound to -- renewal in 163409 seconds. [2.1-BETA1][]/var/etc(19): cat dhc dhclient_wan.conf* [2.1-BETA1][]/var/etc(19): cat dhclient_wan.conf interface "ue0" { timeout 60; retry 15; select-timeout 0; initial-interval 1; script "/sbin/dhclient-script"; }
So, something changed by doing a fresh install of the 2.1 snapshot, but things still seme broken.
Even with static IPs on WAN and OPT1, I still get lots of these in my dmesg logs:
ue1: link state changed to DOWN
ue1: link state changed to UP
ue0: link state changed to DOWN
ue0: link state changed to UP
pfsync0: promiscuous mode disabled
ue0: link state changed to DOWN
ue0: link state changed to UP
ue0: link state changed to DOWN
ue0: link state changed to UP
pfsync0: promiscuous mode enabledI'm getting small % packet loss, which seems to correlate to the link states. But there's no interruption in web surfing.
I don't have OpenVPN enabled/configured. I do have the export keys module installed, but haven't done anything with that yet.
So I had configured a couple of dynamic DNS updaters, but decided to pull them out for one reason or another.
Upon deleting them, this appears in the system.log:
Mar 1 01:05:29 gw php: /services_dyndns.php: The command '/bin/rm /conf/dyndns_*.cache' returned exit code '1', the output was 'rm: /conf/dyndns_wandyndns''0.cache: Read-only file system rm: /conf/dyndns_wanopendns''1.cache: Read-only file system'
…and the WAN link dies again (loses it's IP address)
Manually trying to remove these replicates the issue:
[2.1-BETA1][]/conf(12): rm -f dyndns_* rm: dyndns_wandyndns''0.cache: Read-only file system rm: dyndns_wanopendns''1.cache: Read-only file system
Edit: More logs, this is what spits out now when it dies (and before manual recovery via release/renew)
Mar 1 01:34:58 gw check_reload_status: Linkup starting ue0 Mar 1 01:34:58 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to DOWN Mar 1 01:34:58 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to UP Mar 1 01:34:58 gw check_reload_status: Linkup starting ue0 Mar 1 01:34:58 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to DOWN Mar 1 01:34:58 gw kernel: ue0: link state changed to UP Mar 1 01:34:58 gw check_reload_status: Linkup starting ue0 Mar 1 01:34:58 gw check_reload_status: Linkup starting ue0 Mar 1 01:35:01 gw php: : DEVD Ethernet detached event for wan Mar 1 01:35:01 gw php: : DEVD Ethernet attached event for wan Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient[23035]: connection closed Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient[23035]: exiting. Mar 1 01:35:01 gw php: : DEVD Ethernet detached event for wan Mar 1 01:35:01 gw php: : HOTPLUG: Configuring interface wan Mar 1 01:35:01 gw php: : DEVD Ethernet attached event for wan Mar 1 01:35:01 gw php: : HOTPLUG: Configuring interface wan Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: PREINIT Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient[44035]: dhclient already running, pid: 43420. Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient[44035]: exiting. Mar 1 01:35:01 gw php: : The command '/sbin/dhclient -c /var/etc/dhclient_wan.conf ue0 > /tmp/ue0_output 2> /tmp/ue0_error_output' returned exit code '1', the output was '' Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: Starting delete_old_states() Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: Comparing IPs: Old: New: Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: Comparing Routers: Old: New: Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient[43420]: DHCPREQUEST on ue0 to port 67 Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient[43420]: DHCPACK from Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: REBOOT Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: Starting delete_old_states() Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: Comparing IPs: Old: New: Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: Comparing Routers: Old: New: Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: Removing states through old gateway '' (new gateway '') Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: Starting add_new_address() Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: ifconfig ue0 inet netmask broadcast Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: New IP Address (ue0): Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: New Subnet Mask (ue0): Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: New Broadcast Address (ue0): Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: New Routers (ue0): Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: Adding new routes to interface: ue0 Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: /sbin/route add default Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient: Creating resolv.conf Mar 1 01:35:01 gw check_reload_status: rc.newwanip starting ue0 Mar 1 01:35:01 gw dhclient[43420]: bound to -- renewal in 159739 seconds. Mar 1 01:35:02 gw php: : Clearing states to old gateway Mar 1 01:35:04 gw php: : rc.newwanip: Informational is starting ue0. Mar 1 01:35:04 gw php: : rc.newwanip: on (IP address: ) (interface: wan) (real interface: ue0). Mar 1 01:35:04 gw php: : rc.newwanip: Failed to update wan IP, restarting... Mar 1 01:35:04 gw check_reload_status: Configuring interface wan Mar 1 01:35:06 gw dhclient[54110]: dhclient already running, pid: 51797. Mar 1 01:35:06 gw dhclient[54110]: exiting. Mar 1 01:35:06 gw php: : The command '/sbin/dhclient -c /var/etc/dhclient_wan.conf ue0 > /tmp/ue0_output 2> /tmp/ue0_error_output' returned exit code '1', the output was '' Mar 1 01:35:22 gw check_reload_status: Updating all dyndns Mar 1 01:35:22 gw check_reload_status: Restarting ipsec tunnels Mar 1 01:35:22 gw check_reload_status: Restarting OpenVPN tunnels/interfaces Mar 1 01:35:22 gw check_reload_status: Reloading filter Mar 1 01:35:25 gw php: : Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Mar 1 01:35:25 gw php: : Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Mar 1 01:35:25 gw php: : Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Mar 1 01:35:25 gw php: : Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan). Mar 1 01:35:25 gw php: : Could not find IPv4 gateway for interface (wan).
Edit 2: From the next time it died, here's the dhclient output:
[2.1-BETA1][]/tmp(62): cat ue* dhclient already running, pid: 69584. exiting.
And yes, it is indeed running:
_dhcp 69584 0.0 0.1 3388 1464 ?? SNs 1:52AM 0:00.01 dhclient: ue0 (dhclient)
Edit 3: The next time it died, I tried running dhclient manually:
[2.1-BETA1][]/sbin(74): /sbin/dhclient -c /var/etc/dhclient_wan.conf ue0 dhclient already running, pid: 54736. exiting. [2.1-BETA1][]/sbin(75): ps auxw | grep dhcl root 46928 0.0 0.1 3388 1332 ?? INs 1:58AM 0:00.00 dhclient: ue0 [priv] (dhclient) _dhcp 54736 0.0 0.1 3388 1464 ?? SNs 1:58AM 0:00.06 dhclient: ue0 (dhclient) root 94481 0.0 0.1 3536 1248 1 S+ 2:00AM 0:00.00 grep dhcl [2.1-BETA1][]/sbin(76): kill -KILL 54736 46928 [2.1-BETA1][]/sbin(77): /sbin/dhclient -c /var/etc/dhclient_wan.conf ue0 dhclient: PREINIT ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR): File exists dhclient: Starting delete_old_states() OLD_IP: not found dhclient: Comparing IPs: Old: New: dhclient: Comparing Routers: Old: New: DHCPREQUEST on ue0 to port 67 DHCPACK from bound to -- renewal in 158952 seconds. [2.1-BETA1][]/sbin(78):
…and this brought it back up.