State Table Connections Staying Established for Long Periods
I recently noticed, what I think are, some errors with the state table. I am on 2.0.2, 64 bit. I check my current states frequently and have been noticing established connections with internal ip addresses that aren't powered on and haven't been powered on for 8+ hours. When I check the dhcp leases they aren't listed there either, just in the state table as established. When I reset the state table, everything is normal. I am using Chrome, maybe I need to flush my browser history. I suppose it could be a browser issue? I also saw an entry for my file server connecting to twitter on port 80, which made no sense at all. I ran netstat on the file server and didn't see the connection. Is anyone else experiencing issues with the validity of the state table? Thanks again.
Not sure about this but may be because pfSense blocks Fin ACK by default. I have noticed similar behavior on windows machines through NetStat.
I have come across the same issue too, devices no longer connected to my network are still showing states, even after several hours of being disconnected from the network, is there a work around?