Custom Captive Portal index.php on 2.0.3 - code 99% complete need final 1%
hello. this should be an easy $50 for someone who is more familiar with pfsense than us… I hope
this is urgently needed so if you think you can do it please reply. I hope there is enough info here but i will update the post if not
what we are trying to do seems very simple - a custom CP login page in a hotel
No Authentication
index.php with 3 fields for user data - name, email address and "reason for visiting" (with some JS validation) and a Submit button1. write the above data to customportal-data.csv when the user hits the Submit button
2. redirect the user to the hotel's website when the user hits the Submit button
3. email the csv file on a weekly basis to a fixed email addresswhere we have got to... see the index.php below
if we omit [value="Continue"] from the line [however if we omit [value="Continue"] then the redirect does not work
if we include [value="Continue"] then the line is like this [
finally we have tried sendmail and pear for the weekly email to attach csv with no success at all - ran into errors with boththe only options configured in the GUI for CP are
LAN interface
Idle timeout 60 mins
After authentication redirection URL
No Authenticationindex.php to follow … javascript validation has been removed for testing purposes... hotel name changed to xxxxxxxx
if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
$csv = $_POST;
unset($csv['redirurl'], $csv['accept_x'], $csv['accept_y']);
list($fname, $lname) = explode(' ', $csv['name']);
array_unshift($csv, $fname, $lname);
$f = fopen('captiveportal-data.csv', 'a');
fputcsv($f, $csv);
<title>Hayfield Manor Wi-Fi Login</title>
Wi-Fi Login
<form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>">
Your Name
Your Email Address
Reason for your visit to XXXX?
<select name="reason" id="reason"> <option value="">Please choose from the list below…</option> <option>Leisure Accomodation Guest</option> <option>Corporate Accomodation Guest</option> <option>Conference Attendee</option> <option>Dining at XXXXX</option> <option>Meeting People at XXXXX</option></select>
URL after Submit if [value="Continue"] is omitted
I realise that [value="Continue"] is mandatory for the redirect but i hope the above helps
still editing the redirect URL to hide the hotel name so please ignore the difference between in the php code and in the previous post