Charter 6RD connection not working in latest snaps
It looks like it's still broken with the April 17th snapshot. I get a IP from my ISP tunnel, but i cant ping any other machine on the internet using ping6 through ssh.
I have the same issue with 6RD tunnel on Rogers.
Still not working with charter 6rd as of the May 10th build. Any updates on this?
Hi ddggttff3,
The ticket I opened back on 3\15 was accepted, but hasn't been touched since. The only thing I've heard (via another post) is that they have a box that exhibits the same issue at the shop & they can work on it in-house, so there's no need for remote access to a customer machine.
Anyone know where I can find the January 27th snapshot to revert so I can test the 6RD with it? I'm running it with Centrylink/Quest.
Anyone know where I can find the January 27th snapshot to revert so I can test the 6RD with it? I'm running it with Centrylink/Quest.
I have the Jan 22 x86 build if you want it. 6RD was working with it. If I remember right, it broke with the 1/24/13 build.
Yea I'd love to give it a shot. Can you PM me a dropbox link or something similar?
Thanks much
Hi guys,
Sure do wish they could figure out what changed with that build & sort this out. I'd love to see how much better 2.1 is after 5 months!
Thanks Swinn. The Jan 22 build is working well. The Centurylink gateway doesn't respond to ping but I can route and just changed the monitor IP by 2 hops down. Hopefully the 6rd problem will get worked out eventually but running beta software I expect things like this.
Thanks again for the help.
Should work with tomorrow's snapshot, my test system is fixed now.