PfSense speed in vsphere network - big performance difference to debian guests
i did a few speed tests within my vsphere 5.1 host. I tested with iperf on pfSense. Each scenario was tested with pfSense as iperf server and client, no difference.
All VMs had the server hardware:
4 CPU Cores (3,3 Ghz)
1Gig RAMA : pfSense 2.1 x64 (Open-VM-Tools - VMXNET 2 NIC) <-> vSwitch <-> Debian 6 x64 (VMWare Tools - VMXNET 3 NIC) : 1.95 Gbits/sec
B : pfSense 2.1 x64 (VMWare Tools (without daemon) - VMXNET 3 NIC) <-> vSwitch <-> Debian 6 x64 (VMWare Tools - VMXNET 3 NIC) : 2.19 Gbits/sec
C: Debian 6 x64 (VMWare Tools - VMXNET 3 NIC) <-> vSwitch <-> Debian 6 x64 (VMWare Tools - VMXNET 3 NIC) 21.76 Gbits/secIn B i cant start the vmware daemon, see this:,60206.0.html
Where is the difference? I cant understand it. I love pfSense and want to use it as router for my experimental vsphere host…but this isnt good.
Best regards
pfSense is optimized to act as a firewall, not an endpoint. Try the test with:
Debian –- pfSense --- Debian
Running iperf only on the Debian hosts.