Feature request for time schedule - kill states
In PfSense i can configure time schedules for rules. very nice work!
but for example if i schedule a block rule at 21.00h on a subnet, a
video stream still runs because of the states.actually i have to add a cronjob for killing all the states of this subnet at 21.01h. Or am i wrong? It would be nice to
be done by the scheduler, maby as an option to set. -
There is already an advanced option for this under system->advanced->misc
The default behaviour should be to clear the states when the scheduled change occurs. If that's not happening (and that option is unckecked) then it's not working.
What pfSense version are you using?Steve
It is unchecked and is noct killing the states.
2.1-BETA1 (i386)
If you check that option does the behaviour reverse?