Watchguard Firebox XTM 8 Series
BIOS menus from XTM 8
Done as screen shots as it was easier than having to format the PuTTY log file!

Notice on Hardware Health screen - fans have PWM settings ;)
Ah, yes that all look very familiar. This box looks very similar to the XTM5. I'd be willing to bet the arm/disarm led control is in the same place too. Some investigation would be required to find out for sure once you have it booting into pfSense.
Have you seen the price of those boxes new. :o That's mostly licensing I guess but still.Steve
I should have it booting into pfSense soon, managed to pick up a CF card and a reader, can then see what this board says :)
Yeah saw online how much they are new :o even without licences they can still go for a lot. But the money is in the licencing for Watchguard.
Hmm not getting any joy no matter what image I put on this CF card :(
What image exactly are you using? How are you writing it?
I've tried:
pfSense-2.0.3-RELEASE-4g-i386-nanobsd-20130412-1022 - my 4g cf card is a smidge to small for this image :(
pfSense-2.0.3-RELEASE-4g-amd64-nanobsd-20130412-1027 - ditto above.
pfSense-2.0.3-RELEASE-2g-i386-nanobsd-20130412-1022.img - XTM 8 POSTs then hangs with the screen cleared.
pfSense-2.0.3-RELEASE-2g-amd64-nanobsd.img - dittoUsing Win32DiskImager to burn the images after extracting them - using a all in one usb card reader to write to the card (Windows 7 64bit)
Tried a few FreeDos images and they booted up fine on the XTM 8, so just a bit puzzled ???Eamon
[Edited to add about card reader]
Could it be that the XTM8 is using com2 for its serial port? Can you see if two serial ports are enabled in the bios?
Though if a FreeDOS image boots correctly that wouldn't explain it.Are you using the correct baud rate? The bios usually comes up at 115200 where as pfSense uses 9600 by default.
I've been using 115200 8,n,1 No Parity, XON/OFF from the get go and it's been fine.
I did try it on 9600, but just got garbage!Yeah it is using COM2 2F8h, IRQ 3.. Would pfSense switch to/assume COM1 and be trying to write to that?
I can only see 1 COM port in the BIOS and thats COM2.
One in Advanced>Configure Remote Access and the other is under Advanced>Super IO Configuration - same address used 2F8/IRQ 3.
pfSense will use com1 but that will just be whatever the first detected com port is. If there's only one enabled it will use that.
Did you use my FreeDOS image? That is configured to use com1 but also to use 9600bps so if you are seeing that then it should be working. If you used a standard FreeDOS image then what you are seeing is being redirected by the BIOS code which remains resident after boot if enabled. This could be interfering perhaps?Try starting your serial terminal at 9600 after the machine has booted. Sometimes putty (if you're using that) has a problem when the baud rate changes.
I saw you had a post of a FreeDos .vhd file but I don't use any virtualisation software on my main pc - I just went to their website and used some images off there and they worked.
I did close down PuTTY between baud changes - I just get garbage and then the garbage stops!
In Advanced>Remote Config screen it has Redirection After BIOS POST [Always]
But I've no way of changing it due to the 'View Only Item' message on everything :(Eamon
The .vhd file was my first effort though I think it can be written by anything. Try this image instead: is set to use com1 at 9600 and it will beep three times just before it switches to the serial console.
If pfSense is booting in the background you will see the HD activity LED flashing after the console garbage has stopped. If that isn't happening then I suggest that the image is not writing correctly to the card. What are you extracting it with?
I always use phydiskwriteGUI which does the decompression on the fly. I know some people have had trouble with Windows 7 getting in the way.
You could also try this image which is mostly the same as the other one: that's not gzip'd you won't have to extract it. If that runs but the others didn't you know it's an extraction problem.
Ok, wrote the FreeDosBios2 image to the card - boots up to the DOS menu ok, but after the 3 beeps - nothing (on 115200).
Changed the baud rate to 9600 got the garbage, beeps then nothing again.Did FreeDosBios2 image through WinDiskImager.
Wrote nanobsd.full.img with physdiskwrite - wrote ok - (after using DiskPart to clean the partitions) - got nothing on XTM 8 both at 115200 and 9600.
The HD led does light up during POST but nothing when loading pfSense, however it does flicker up to the beeps on FreeDosBios2 image.
I have read something about UDMA/S.M.A.R.T. having an effect on other Fireboxes - the message shows when pfSense is on the cf card, but doesn't when FreeDos is on it ???
I think my options are:
1. Get a 12pin IDC to 15pin VGA cable and connect up a monitor.
2. Install pfSense on a VM, configure it for COM2 and transfer that to the cf card.
3. Solder a header on to the COM1 space on the board.
4. Flash the BIOS to change COM2 address to the COM1 address.Of which:
1. Do-able but would have to wait a few days for it to arrive.
2. Do-able although I have no knowledge of FreeBSD/pfSense.
3. No chance, I can solder but I'm not willing to risk it on this board.
4. No BIOS update to flash so no go.I'm gonna have a go at changing the FreeDosBios2 image to use COM2 - Dos I can do ;)
You could also try this image which is mostly the same as the other one: that's not gzip'd you won't have to extract it. If that runs but the others didn't you know it's an extraction problem.
Tried that one with physdiskwrite - worked the same as the gz one, booted up but that after the beeps nothing :(
Yes that's the first thing I'd try. Edit the autoexec.bat file to put the console to com2 instead. Relatively easy test and it would confirm the problem.
If you boot with putty at 115200 does it show anything after the bios post that might indicate the card is booting? You should have an opportunity to interrupt the process and give the bootloader some parameters. You could potentially tell it to use com2 at that point.
You could try using one of the nanobsd_vga images. That will attempt to use the keyboard/monitor as the console. The resident bios code may redirect that to the com port. No idea if that would work.
It's possible to modify the bios like I did with the XTM5 but it's risky stuff. I managed to 'brick' the box a number of times but it did give me the opportunity to learn how to recover it! ;D
Ok so I've got a decent version of FreeDOS loaded. I used the image that worked and copied over the other files from the image you posted.
I got a Nanobsd_vga booted to the pfSense menu but then stopped outputting once it carried on, however the HDD light did flicker every so often, nothing came over COM2 :(
I didn't think it would redirect and convert vga to ansi but it was worth a go!
So at the mo I've my own version of the FreeDOSBios image loaded, is there anything I need to run that could be of interest?
Hmm, OK.
So your hybrid FreeDOS image doesn't switch the console to the com port I take it? Or is it using com2?Interesting the the nanobsd_vga image booted to the menu. I would not expect to see anything on the com port normally from that image. Its console output is all text mode so I would have thought there was a good chance of it being redirected. Can you escape from the boot process at the menu to get a prompt?
So booting the normal nanobsd image do you see anything after the POST?
Yeah with the FreeDOS image I just left everything as it was, no redirection to COM ports done and it works fine - I guess the bios is handling all of the redirection to COM2.
With nanobsd_vga it was just the first pfSense text menu that showed up, then nothing - I guess bios handling the redirection then the switch to vga ends the output.
Booting nanobsg_vga I can escape to a command prompt. I didn't get much out of it as I am not familiar with FreeBSD - managed ls but that was it!
A normal nanobsd image - nothing - however UDMA/SMART message shows in POST - it didn't show with any of the above where I can boot and at least see something.
I've a 12pin IDC to 15pin Vga lead on order from ebay, might make things simplier!