Internet not working on VM (Debian) based on KVM
I have read many threads and hopefully someone would help me to resolve my query.
My host OS is Ubuntu and 2 VMs are running over KVM. VM#1 (Debian 6) and VM#2 (PFSense).
Internet connectivity of Host is via wireless lan.
I want to run internet on Debian 6 through Pfsense.
Following are the configurations:
LAN em1
WAN em2 6
Ip: (Internet is working via Wireless LAN)
IP: Dynamic ip of class B; 10.0.x.xScenario:
VM#1 ==========> Pfsense ==============> Internet
Could anyone please help me, so that internet in VM#1 can work through pfsense. I also tried to explain my scenario herewith attached image.
Thanks in Advance.
Did you try to ping goggle or yahoo ? Do get any errors ?
Yes when i do ping from VM to google or it says something like "no host/network found". However when i ping from Pfsense to google/yahoo it works.
ping from VM to Pfsense LAN is working
also, ping from pfsense WAN to internet is working
ping from pfsense (LAN to WAN and vice-versa) also working…
But not pinging from VM to
Please take look at resolv.conf on vm and add nameserver (google) is default gateway pointing to pfsense ?
/etc/resolv.conf is empty. What should i add in it?
Add at least nameserver (gogle dns)
Thanks a lot. its working…I just click on auto eth4 (which was created by Host) in network manager.