Feature request - mass update
I would like to request a feature that is commonly implemented in most softwares, that is, mass update, an example:
Editing rules:
Update gateway(advanced options), source and destination address on all selected rules.
i know I can click on "+" and create another rule based on that rule, but, this is not the same thing.Thank you guys!
You must use Aliases for this situation.
One change of aliase will apply for rules, where this aliase use. -
Right, but, suppose I've created a lot of rules and I want to update the protocol, gateway and something else that could be updated to more than one rule, aliases won't work, you got it?
Maybe there is another way to do this and I'm not aware. -
All changable rules can be replaced with Aliases/Gateway groups. Alias can use as container.
Each rule possibe enable/disable.I doubt the need to change the functional of GUI. Any situation can be solved by the exist resources.
I doubt the need to change the functional of GUI. Any situation can be solved by the exist resources.
Sure it can, but I think this feature would be handy.
anyway, thank you!