Console stucked after setting console password in webgui..?
Honestly, shortest easiest way to unscrew some little glitch is to reinstall. Its fast.
If you broke something, that will fix it. -
I have plan to reinstall. But I don't want to loss all my settings especially my proxy server, cache settings, captive portal, etc. Any possible solution without reinstalling or losing my settings? I am willing to do.
Thank you!
Before reinstall
grep admin /etc/passwd
and check the last field, which is the shell.
Interesting - You have no XML backups of your configuration?
Hmmmmmm. Best follow doktornotor's instructions for a while.
If you don't mind an ever so slightly short temper, he knows exactly what he is doing.
How are you accessing the console? Via virtual box presumably.
@stephenw10, yes via virtualbox. I have no problem these before until ive touched the option to password protect the console.
@kejianshi, yes i have backups. and i hope if i reinstall, all will be restored as expected.
They will - Trust me. I used to pull my hair out chasing down little gremlins in the system till I realized how much easier it was to wipe, reinstall and reload settings form XML file. The only time this isn't useful is when the saved configuration was the problem, which is why I always backup XML before and after I make a major change.
I presume at that point the console is completely non-responsive, it's not possible to login?
It doesn't matter what shell the admin user is set to run if you can't login as admin.Steve
I presume at that point the console is completely non-responsive, it's not possible to login?
It doesn't matter what shell the admin user is set to run if you can't login as admin.Yeah, the shell is correct, I just wanted to check whether toggling the GUI checkbox does actually does something or not… Sounds like completely different problem. Rather then hunting for gremlins, a quick reinstall and backup restore should sort it out if it worked before.