Disable Captive Portal by schedule
I want to do somewhat opposite of what most people ask on this form. I want the captivate portal to be disabled during working hours and then enable it afterwards.
Can this be done within pfsense or do i need something via crontab? For me a simple option will be enable/disable the captive portal via command line. What would the command be (if any).
What is the better option via firewall schedule (and associated rule) or crontab?
you should first install the cron package
the shell command to stop captive portal is as below:
/sbin/kldunload ipfw.kothe shell command(s) to start captive portal is as below:
/sbin/kldload ipfw.ko
/sbin/ipfw -q /tmp/ipfw.cp.rulesyou should create 2 cron job. the first cron job is to start captive portal….the second cron job is to stop the captive portal
Thanks. I have couple of followup questions.
- How does ipfw work/stack with pf? How does one firewall take precedence over the other because as i understand with captive port both firewalls/filters are active? Do they work at different layers?
2) Why would i need to unload a kernel module to disable ipfw instead of perhaps flushing the firewall table with "ipfw" or corresponding command?
It is better to use the php commands to do the disable rather than the not correct shell commands provided here.
Take a look at what happens when you click enable/disable button on the CP configuration page. -
It is better to use the php commands to do the disable rather than the not correct shell commands provided here.
Take a look at what happens when you click enable/disable button on the CP configuration page.Another easy way to do it would be tojust leave captive portal running and insert/remove a rule (using the IPFW command) to skip the portal rules.