OpenVPN to HideMyAss ::RESOLVED::
I'm attempting to setup a VPN connection to HideMyAss via this tutorial:
After going through the steps and saving the OpenVPN config I'm getting the following in my logs:
Aug 31 19:39:04 openvpn[18107]: Exiting
Aug 31 19:39:04 openvpn[18107]: Error opening 'Auth' auth file: /cf/hmauser.conf: No such file or directory (errno=2)
Aug 31 19:39:04 openvpn[18107]: WARNING: cannot stat file '/cf/hmauser.conf': No such file or directory (errno=2)
Aug 31 19:39:04 openvpn[18107]: MANAGEMENT: unix domain socket listening on /var/etc/openvpn/client1.sock
Aug 31 19:39:04 openvpn[18107]: OpenVPN 2.2.0 i386-portbld-freebsd8.1 [SSL] [LZO2] [eurephia] [MH] [PF_INET6] [IPv6 payload 20110424-2 (2.2RC2)] built on Apr 15 2013As per the tutorial the hmauser.conf is to go in /conf but I was getting the same error and another HMA user with the same issues said putting it in the /cf folder cleared up his issues.
Any ideas on why my router can't see that file or directory?
Version 2.0.3-RELEASE (i386) built on Fri Apr 19 16:47:30 PDT 2013 FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE-p13
Considering the very clear "No such file or directory", and the fact that cf != conf and /conf is pointing to /cf/conf/…
Considering the very clear "No such file or directory", and the fact that cf != conf and /conf is pointing to /cf/conf/…
I have tried to put hmauser.conf in;
/cf/...All give me the same error.
Is there perhaps a better location to place the hmauser.conf file?
I suspect that you want to put it in /var/etc/openvpn/ that is where the UI keeps the .conf .crt and .key files for vpn configs.
Or better yet set up the client in the pfsense UI. compare what pfsense does in /var/etc/openvpn and what the example conf file has. then merge the hma specific stuff into the Advanced Configuration section in the UI. Then you don't have to worry about short circuiting the pfsense app by dropping in a config that pfsense might not understand.
I suspect that you want to put it in /var/etc/openvpn/ that is where the UI keeps the .conf .crt and .key files for vpn configs.
No luck. Still can't find the file.
Or better yet set up the client in the pfsense UI. compare what pfsense does in /var/etc/openvpn and what the example conf file has. then merge the hma specific stuff into the Advanced Configuration section in the UI. Then you don't have to worry about short circuiting the pfsense app by dropping in a config that pfsense might not understand.
That is, sadly, well beyond my skill set. The hmauser.conf only includes my HMA username & password.
ok so I didn't quite understand what the tutorial was doing. sorry for the half-cocked reply/help. More half-cocked remarks are to make sure the auth-user-pass /path/to/hmauser.conf is correct in your Advanced Settings for your vpnclient config
Here's my advanced config:
verb 3;ns-cert-type server;auth-user-pass /var/etc/openvpn/hmauser.conf;persist-key;persist-tun;
Is there something that changed in v2.0.3? The age of the tutorial leads me to believe that it was written for an earlier version.
Resolved the issue by saving the file in /etc/ and as file type .txt.