Traffic graph reports double the real amount on some interfaces.
It's a known bug in the underlying FreeBSD.
It's a known bug in the underlying FreeBSD.
Can you give a link to the bug?
It would be good to fix up little crud like this. It puts off people new to pfSense when something like the traffic graph shows an obviously wrong figure. -
Start here:
I have the same issue. WAN shows correct speed but my VLAN does not, unless it is running at a lower speed of say 30 Mbps.
Anyone also notice labels don't match!
Anyone also notice labels don't match!
Not sure which labels you are referring to.
VLAN_4 interface has a lot of traffic going out, and host (client) IP is receiving a lot of traffic in. That is what happens when something is downloading - pfSense sends a lot of traffic out the LAN/VLAN… and the client receives it in.
(Of course there is the double thing happening there in the graph plot also) -
But this is exactly the point (On internal VLAN)
The graph you saw in previous post was for inbound (downloaded) traffic that you are seeing (albeit doubled).
The table on the right is correct, but the graph and top left labels are reversed to the table
To help illustrate this I waited until I had a distinctive spike that also did not obscure the chart. WAN is spot on, so suspect someone reversed the table for LAN internal connections, but forgot the labels in top left?
Do you see the label mismatch?
That what I was trying to explain. "In" and "Out" are done from the point of view of the device concerned.
Out of pfSense LAN goes in to a LAN client.
Out of a LAN client comes in to pfSense LAN.
So you expect to see "opposite" because one side is the sender and the other is the receiver. -
OK, Understand.
I had assumed they were directly the same. Now that I know, it makes sense but could have been clearer on the chart what was meant.
Is there anyway to make the chart page bigger and therefore longer - I am interested in the table part on the right side.
At the moment that table is hardcoded to 10 rows - both in /usr/local/www/status_graph.php and bandwidth_by_ip.php
It's only software - there could be a parameter box to select how many rows to display in the table. -
Will this be fixed or?
I am running Supermicro server with no vlans. 2.1.5 - very annoying :)