Cant resolve hostname using OpenVPN
I have domain xxx.yyy
I have hostnames like pfsense and NAS
Using OpenVPN I cant resolve eg NAS - I have to use full name
I am sure I had this working before the update. But now I cant find the correct setting again…
post your server1.conf.
dev ovpns1 dev-type tun tun-ipv6 dev-node /dev/tun1 writepid /var/run/ #user nobody #group nobody script-security 3 daemon keepalive 10 60 ping-timer-rem persist-tun persist-key proto udp cipher AES-128-CBC up /usr/local/sbin/ovpn-linkup down /usr/local/sbin/ovpn-linkdown client-connect /usr/local/sbin/ client-disconnect /usr/local/sbin/ local tls-server server client-config-dir /var/etc/openvpn-csc username-as-common-name auth-user-pass-verify /var/etc/openvpn/server1.php via-env tls-verify /var/etc/openvpn/server1.tls-verify.php lport 1194 management /var/etc/openvpn/server1.sock unix max-clients 3 push "route" push "dhcp-option DOMAIN holte.home" push "dhcp-option DNS" push "dhcp-option DNS" ca /var/etc/openvpn/ cert /var/etc/openvpn/server1.cert key /var/etc/openvpn/server1.key dh /etc/dh-parameters.1024 tls-auth /var/etc/openvpn/server1.tls-auth 0 comp-lzo persist-remote-ip float push "route"
What kind of client machine are you coming from?
If it's Windows, can you post the output of "ifconfig /allcompartments /all" ?
I'm wondering if your local machine is seeing the domain suffix of your remote network properly.
On my Windows machines, connecting to an OVPN server that pushes an internal DNS server to me (for internal office machine naming) I have to ensure that I get the domain suffix of the office applied to my machines.
Sometimes (using OVPNGUI on my Windows 7 Machine) this does not happen unless I start OVPNGUI "as administrator" so that the push commands can be executed as admin, and make the appropriate changes on my local machine.
Hi pfbits,
I found out myself after you pointed me in the right direction.
I had a faulty DNS suffinx setting on the VPN adapter. This was due to misconfiguration of OpenVPN (I changed my domain name at one time).
So now everything is working as it should.
Thank you very much for helping me out.