HTTP_REFERER and the Traffic Graph in 2.1
Hi all,
Could someone tell me what has changed in 2.1 to stop a feature we were using?
We have several pSense's in out company that we need to keep an eye on so we used to disable the HTTP_REFERER option (Disable HTTP_REFERER enforcement check ) and create a webpage with frames on linking to the graph locations. We've been using the Traffic Graph out of pfSense for a while now and in 2.0.1 and 2.0.3 it was working beautifully.
We have recently been upgrading our pfSenses to the latest version (2.1) and are finding that the graph no longer outputs to the our custom webpage that was created for the task. If we just use the link in a webpage on it's own it works fine. Put that link into a frame and it does not work at all and I don't seem to be able to get it to work.
$arr = Array( 'UK (Main)' => 'http://#IPADDRESS#', 'Germany (Main)' => 'https://#IPADDRESS#', 'Singapore' => 'http://#IPADDRESS#', 'India2' => 'http://#IPADDRESS#', 'Datacentre1' => 'https://#IPADDRESS#', 'India (Backup)' => 'http://#IPADDRESS#', ); foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { ?> <object width="447" height="202" type="image/svg+xml" data="<?php echo $val?>/graph.php?ifnum=wan&ifname=WAN"><param value="<?php echo $val?>/graph.php?ifnum=wan&ifname=WAN" name="src"></object> $arr1 = Array( 'UK (Backup)' => 'http://#IPADDRESS#', 'UK2' => 'http://#IPADDRESS#', 'India (Main)' => 'http://#IPADDRESS#', ); foreach ($arr1 as $key1 => $val1) { ?> <object width="447" height="202" type="image/svg+xml" data="<?php echo $val1?>/graph.php?ifnum=opt1&ifname=OPT1"><param value="<?php echo $val1?>/graph.php?ifnum=opt1&ifname=OPT1" name="src"></object>
Now, I'm not a webpage designer so we have only a rudimentary idea of what is happening. If I put the link in to a web browser on it's own it works fine
But put that into a frame and it stops working for all 2.1 pfSenses:
Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. Any reason why this is no longer working would be just as useful.
Thank you.
Is it the point that the pfSense will not allow the graph to render on a foreign page?